The EU Wants to Control Every Citizens Chats #MentalOutlaw #AlphaNerd
#MentalOutlaw #AlphaNerd MSG Takes Facial Recognition Security Too Far
Mental Outlaw aka AlphaNerd: Bitcoin is for fools, Monero rules!
An overall nice guy, geek and an American Linux enthusiast has pressing things to say about cryptocurrencies.
Wanna buy crypto without the government taking a cut?
...And NO; this is not a deep fake :thinkhappy:
In his next video, he walks through on how to mine Monero (XMR) on Linux.
#Bitcoin #Monero #MentalOutlaw #AlphaNerd #cryptocurrency #LBRY #Odysee
#Odysee #lbry #cryptocurrency #AlphaNerd #MentalOutlaw #monero #bitcoin