When ever I see a cool new result in #ComputationalMath, I like to see if I can replicate it. So, last month when that Nature article came out about #MatrixMultiplication formulas from #AlphaTensor I set out see if I could get their formulas and verify them symbolically.
I was able to do that and of course they were right. But I was excited to see Kauers and Moosbauer publish a response a couple days later. So, here's their results replicated in a Maple Jupyter notebook https://github.com/johnpmay/MapleSnippets/blob/main/KMtoFFM.ipynb
#AlphaTensor #matrixmultiplication #computationalmath
La multiplication de matrices gagne en vitesse grâce à l’intelligence artificielle
👉 Il y a un enjeu réel à optimiser les méthodes de calcul de ce type d’opération, fréquent dans les programmes informatiques. L’algorithme d’apprentissage profond #AlphaTensor de #DeepMind enclenche la vitesse supérieure.
#AlphaTensor #DeepMind #mathematiques #ia #google #matrice #pourlascience
RT @DeepMind@twitter.com
Today in @Nature@twitter.com: #AlphaTensor, an AI system for discovering novel, efficient, and exact algorithms for matrix multiplication - a building block of modern computations. AlphaTensor finds faster algorithms for many matrix sizes: https://dpmd.ai/dm-alpha-tensor & https://dpmd.ai/nature-alpha-tensor 1/
Since 1969 Strassen’s algorithm has famously stood as the fastest way to multiply 2 matrices - but with #AlphaTensor we’ve found a new algorithm that’s faster, with potential to improve efficiency by 10-20% across trillions of calculations per day! https://dpmd.ai/dm-alpha-tensor