Sandra Bullock's Longtime Partner Bryan Randall Dead at 57 After Private 3-Year Battle with #ALS
#Edaravone galt lange als vielversprechende Therapieoption bei #ALS. Doch in der EU ist das Mittel bisher nicht zugelassen. Zurecht?
#lis #locked #Als #bci #consciousness #complexity #braincriticality #criticality
TDP-43 represses cryptic exon splicing in #UNC13A, a risk factor for #AmyotrophicLateralSclerosis (#ALS) & #FrontotemporalDementia (#FTD). While #TDP43 is the main repressor, other hnRNPs may potentially act as disease modifiers @PrudencioLab #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #tdp43 #FTD #frontotemporaldementia #Als #amyotrophiclateralsclerosis #unc13a
TDP-43 represses cryptic exon splicing in #UNC13A, a risk factor for #AmyotrophicLateralSclerosis (#ALS) & #FrontotemporalDementia (#FTD). While #TDP43 is the main repressor, other hnRNPs may potentially act as disease modifiers @PrudencioLab #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #tdp43 #FTD #frontotemporaldementia #Als #amyotrophiclateralsclerosis #unc13a
TDP-43 represses cryptic exon splicing in #UNC13A, a risk factor for #AmyotrophicLateralSclerosis (#ALS) & #FrontotemporalDementia (#FTD). While #TDP43 is the main repressor, other hnRNPs may potentially act as disease modifiers @PrudencioLab #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #tdp43 #FTD #frontotemporaldementia #Als #amyotrophiclateralsclerosis #unc13a
Mit Hilfe von #KI gelang es Forschern, die Genprofile von #ALS-Patienten aufzuschlüsseln. Das neue Verfahren ermöglicht eine beeindruckend genaue Prognose darüber, ob Personen an ALS erkranken – oder nicht.
KI-System sagt amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (ALS) voraus. Diagnosehelfer erreichte 87-prozentige Trefferquote allein anhand genetischer Faktoren. #ALS #KI #AI #Medizin #Motoneuron #Gene
#Als #ki #ai #medizin #motoneuron #gene