John Edward Martin · @PassableGhost
24 followers · 19 posts · Server

As for an :

I am the Director of Scholarly Communication at the University of North Texas Libraries, with particular interests in open scholarship, library publishing, values-enacted scholarly metrics, alternate peer review models, digital scholarship, and scholarly communication education.

I hold a PhD in American literature from Northwestern University and an MLS from the University of North Texas. My scholarly interests include horror fiction and film, American poetry, comics studies, and literary pedagogy.

I am the Book Review Editor for the Edgar Allan Poe Review, Co-Editor of Unbound: A Journal of Digital Scholarship, and a board member of the Digital Cultural Studies Cooperative (

#AltAcademia #ComicsStudies #horror #libraries #ScholCom #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

John Edward Martin · @PassableGhost
24 followers · 19 posts · Server

Well, here I am! My first Mastodon profile. 🐘

I'm just getting started here, so not much content just yet, but looking forward to connecting with friends and colleagues away from the madness of other social hell-sites.

I'll be sharing and following things on a variety of personal and professional interests, including , , , , and .

#AltAcademia #horror #ComicsStudies #libraries #ScholCom

Last updated 2 years ago

Daphna Oren · @daphnaorenm
315 followers · 25 posts · Server

I've moved to, so I'm reposting my :

I'm a historian of , working on , . I've published on the history of and I'm now working on a book on

I'm in - the program manager for the , currently the biggest prize in the world for and scholars of the past.

I'm also a of an only child, a , player and a knitter and cross-stitcher.

#dnd #geek #PhDMom #histodons #DanDavidPrize #AltAcademia #sisters #infertility #histmed #HistoryofFamily #gender #earlymodernengland #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago