Please register for ‘Out After Dark’ on Aug. 16, 2023. #24HourNation's free, one-hour web panel will discuss how #LGBTQ+ nightlife is responding to #altright regression in #America.
#america #AltRight #lgbtq #24hournation
"Threads versus Twitter: Shouldn't we be happy the wheels are falling off antisocial social media?"
#Threads #Meta #Musk #Zuckerberg #Twitter #SocialMedia #AltRight #Politics #Fascism #AntiSocial
#antisocial #Fascism #Politics #AltRight #SocialMedia #Twitter #zuckerberg #Musk #Meta #threads
#FoxNews: Wer ist eigentlich #TuckerCarlson?
Er war das Bindeglied zwischen dem #AltRight Sender Fox News und dem extrem rechten Rand der #USA. Jahrelang verbreitete Tucker Carlson #rechtsextreme #Hetze, vom „großen Austausch“ bis zum „Wahlbetrug“. Über drei Millionen Menschen schauten ihm regelmäßig zu.
#hetze #rechtsextreme #USA #AltRight #tuckercarlson #foxnews #BelltowerNews
#tuckercarlson being booted from #foxnews doesn't change anything. If Fox News went off the air forever, nothing would change. FN didn't create the #AltRight , or #MAGA , or #Trump . #Republican s did, FN just reflected their image to them in a way that was "legitimized." #Conservatives created FN, not the other way around. The truth is this - there IS no moderate #GOP . Just like you don't have to use slurs to be racist, you don't have to storm the Capitol to be an #insurrectionist - just R.
#insurrectionist #gop #conservatives #republican #Trump #MAGA #AltRight #foxnews #tuckercarlson
#tuckercarlson being booted from #foxnews doesn't change anything. If Fox News went off the air forever, nothing would change. FN didn't create the #AltRight , or #MAGA , or #Trump . #Republican s did, FN just reflected their image to them in a way that was "legitimized." #Conservatives created FN, not the other way around. The truth is this - there IS no moderate #GOP . Just like you don't have to use slurs to be racist, you don't have to storm the Capitol to be an #insurrectionist - just R.
#insurrectionist #gop #conservatives #republican #Trump #MAGA #AltRight #foxnews #tuckercarlson
Pictured: Fox News anchor Joseph Goebbels.
#FoxNews #GOP #MAGA #AltRight #WhiteNationalism #JosephGoebbels #RupertMurdoch #SeanHannity #TuckerCarlson #LauraIngraham #propaganda #misinformation #disinformation #lies #defamation #scapegoating
#scapegoating #defamation #lies #Disinformation #misinformation #Propaganda #lauraingraham #tuckercarlson #seanhannity #rupertmurdoch #JosephGoebbels #whitenationalism #AltRight #MAGA #gop #foxnews
Welcome to the 2024 Republican National Convention.
#GOP #MAGA #Trumpism #AltRight #RNC2024 #PoisonPopulism #FoxNews #propaganda #fascism #lies
#lies #Fascism #Propaganda #foxnews #poisonpopulism #rnc2024 #AltRight #trumpism #MAGA #gop #weveseenitallbefore
Twitter is, indeed, for the birds: dodos, cuckoos, turkeys, buzzards, vultures, et al. In spite of what its logo may suggest, there are no quaint bluebirds anywhere to be found in that nihilistic narcissist’s nest.
#ThankMastodon #ThankYouMastodon
#Twitter #BirdSite #ElonMusk #MAGA #RightWing #HateSpeech #AltRight #propaganda #misinformation #disinformation #media
#Media #Disinformation #misinformation #Propaganda #AltRight #hatespeech #rightwing #MAGA #ElonMusk #Birdsite #Twitter #ThankYouMastodon #ThankMastodon
The far right is so crazed, all that’s left is sanity.
#GOP #Republicans #TeaParty #Trump #Trumpism #StochasticTerrorism #DomesticTerrorism #MAGA #QAnon #FarRight #ElectionDeniers #AltRight #KKK #neoNazis #WhiteNationalism #ChristianNationalism #ProudBoys #OathKeepers #ThreePercenters #FoxNews #insurrection #propaganda #fascism #authoritarianism #guns #paranoia #ignorance #fear #hate #loathing #hate #racism #bigotry #misogyny #homophobia #transphobia #xenophobia #Islamophobia #antiSemitism
#antisemitism #islamophobia #xenophobia #transphobia #homophobia #misogyny #bigotry #Racism #loathing #hate #fear #ignorance #paranoia #guns #authoritarianism #Fascism #Propaganda #insurrection #foxnews #ThreePercenters #oathkeepers #proudboys #ChristianNationalism #whitenationalism #neonazis #kkk #AltRight #ElectionDeniers #farright #QAnon #MAGA #domesticterrorism #stochasticterrorism #trumpism #Trump #teaparty #republicans #gop
#AI "reporters" spread disinformation about #Ohio train derailment. Conspiratorial claims about chemical contamination can be traced back to "reporters" who aren't real.
#conservative #republicans #rightwing #altright #republican #fakenews
#fakenews #republican #AltRight #rightwing #republicans #Conservative #Ohio #AI
Ik keek heel even op de vogel-site door een linkje op social media… trending topic “stem ze weg” met onder andere standpunten als “minder genders”, alsof realiteit iets is waarover gedebatteerd kan worden.
Ik ben blij daar weg te zijn. Alt-rechtse beerput
#protransrights #bullshittalk #AltRight #twittermigration
"The Violent Far-Right Terrorist Threat to the Republican Party and American Conservatism"
#gop #republican #constitution #US #democrats #rightwing #AltRight
#AltRight #rightwing #democrats #US #constitution #republican #gop
"America’s far right is increasingly protesting against #LGBT people
How the battlegrounds of the culture wars have shifted"
#humanrights #civilrights #legalrights #farright #AltRight #trumpism #gop #abortion #republicans #democrats
#abortion #LGBT #democrats #republicans #gop #trumpism #AltRight #farright #LegalRights #civilrights #HumanRights
I’ve only just got ‘#AltRight’! I thought it was a media platform function. 🥸
Over there you can find #althistory luminary Harry Turtledove just casually eviscerating #altright looney tunes.
@Popehat I wrote in a article about #dragqueens reading to kids during #storytime that #FreedomofSpeech is more about saying whatever you want to your #Government without being #jailed or killed. It's not about offending people because there is another law called #HUMANRIGHTS that says you cannot discriminate against anyone. The #AltRight constantly forgets that Human Rights is not just about them.
#AltRight #HumanRights #jailed #Government #freedomofspeech #storytime #dragqueens
wenn man sich all die Spins von #TeaParty, Koch-Industries, #AltRight, usw. ansieht, merkt man wie sehr da so manche scharf abgebogen sind.
Zudem spielen #Plutokratie #Theokratie Tendenzen eine Rolle.
#Theokratie #plutokratie #AltRight #teaparty