Unrequested Movie Opinions, Pt. 001: Last night I reckoned that it was time to give Ken Russell's 1980 SF excursion ALTERED STATES a proper view (I saw it on a crappy B&W TV set in the 1980s and forgot 95% of the details). Yeah, it's got narrative quirks and Annoying Character problems, but it was far more reined-in and focused than I remembered. Revelation time: I had no idea that the late, great Jordan Cronenweth shot the film (two years prior to his work on BLADE RUNNER), and his stylistic flourishes are in full force. Solid, inky blacks, unexpected light sources, faces bathed in cathode blue. Rain. Mist. #1980s #AlteredStates #KenRussell #Movies #ScienceFiction
#1980s #AlteredStates #KenRussell #movies #sciencefiction
Our ancestors in the Bronze Age were intoxicating themselves for sacred or recreational purposes. Their descendants who still dare the same are persecuted and considered criminals (in Iberia it's not a crime to consume but it is to procure and sell, go figure). The State decides how and with what the citizens are allowed to intoxicate themselves. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-31064-2
#cannabis #alteredstates
Me: I went to one of those sensory deprivation float tanks.
Son: How was it?
Me: Well, Blair Brown didn't appear.
Son: ...
Me: The Smoke Monster didn't appear.
Yet another #Introduction post! Gonna see how many personally relevant hashtags I can cram in:
#NEISVoid #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #DisabilityRights #DisabilityJustice #DisabilityInclusion #DisabledJoy #Fibromyalgia #Acessibility #ADHD #CPTSD #MaskUp
#Paganism #Spirituality #Hedgewitch #ChaosMagick #AlteredStates #Herbalism #Crystals #Panentheism #Nontheism #ExJW
#introduction #NEISvoid #chronicillness #chronicpain #disabilityrights #disabilityjustice #DisabilityInclusion #DisabledJoy #fibromyalgia #Acessibility #adhd #cptsd #maskup #paganism #spirituality #Hedgewitch #ChaosMagick #AlteredStates #Herbalism #Crystals #Panentheism #Nontheism #lgbtqia #agender #pansexual #polyamory #CraftyFolks #readingcommunity #IsWatchingYouTubeAHobby #ExJW