Last Exit by Max Gladstone 🛣️ Ten years ago Zelda, Sal and their friends played with alternate realities and Sal was lost. Zelda has travelled the highways since, fighting the rot that still seeps in cracks to our reality. #QueerSFF2023
#AlternateRealities @bookstodon
#queersff2023 #AlternateRealities
Quick, only one day left to apply for the #AlternateRealities artist call. If you're an artist using new technologies or creative techniques which break the boundaries of traditional documentary practice, then wants to hear from you!
Asked Dall-E to make Back to the Future film posters where the time machine is a tractor.
I think it's trying to communicate with us...
#DALLE2 #DallE #BTTF #AlternateRealities #Tractor #Timeline #GreatScott #ProperJob #BackToTheFuture #AgrarianTimeline #Film #Movies
#DALLE2 #dalle #bttf #AlternateRealities #tractor #timeline #greatscott #properjob #backtothefuture #agrariantimeline #film #movies
Last one of this part. Link to original post:
Dark Prospects - Part I (The Hollow King, details)
#digitalpainting #krita #opensourcecreative #comicart #darkart #dream #nightmares #alternaterealities
#AlternateRealities #nightmares #dream #darkart #comicart #opensourcecreative #krita #digitalpainting
Let's finish posting these closeup details from my first art post. Link to original post:
Dark Prospects - Part I (Graveyard of Dead Gods, details)
#digitalpainting #krita #opensourcecreative #comicart #darkart #dream #nightmares #alternaterealities
#AlternateRealities #nightmares #dream #darkart #comicart #opensourcecreative #krita #digitalpainting
Details from my first art post. I can only upload 4 images at a time so I'll have to do this in multiple parts. Link to original post:
Dark Prospects - Part I (Details 02)
#digitalpainting #krita #opensourcecreative #comicart #darkart #dream #nightmares #alternaterealities
#AlternateRealities #nightmares #dream #darkart #comicart #opensourcecreative #krita #digitalpainting
Details from my first art post. I can only upload 4 images at a time so I'll have to do this in multiple parts. Unless someone knows a better way to do this? Link to original post:
Dark Prospects - Part I (Details 01)
#digitalpainting #krita #opensourcecreative #comicart #darkart #dream #nightmares #alternaterealities
#AlternateRealities #nightmares #dream #darkart #comicart #opensourcecreative #krita #digitalpainting
To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
My latest painting represents a lot of my interests. It also looks like a butth*le. Make of that what you will 😂 ⬇️
#AlternateRealities #space #painting #quantumphysics #surrealism #writing #sciencefiction