The book *Grading for Growth* by @dccmath and @RobertTalbert is now available! Read about it and find the link to order on their Substack:
My calculus class appears as a case study in chapter 5 (“Standards-Based Grading”) as a fairly straightforward example. Of course I’ve made a few changes in the system even since I did this interview 😉 but I think it still stands as a good reference for anyone considering an SBG or other alternative grading system.
Check it out!
#Grading #GradingForGrowth #Teaching #AlternativeGrading #StandardsBasedGrading #SBG #Calculus
#calculus #SBG #standardsbasedgrading #AlternativeGrading #teaching #gradingforgrowth #grading
Summer readings #AcademicChatter #AlternativeGrading #SoTL
#sotl #AlternativeGrading #academicchatter
From to #AlternativeGrading to the @PreTeXt Runestone Open Source Ecosystem ... It's the middle of two pretty hectic but great weeks!
Was mentioned in at a session at the #GradingForGrowth conference that we should post here some with some hashtags to help find each other. #AlternativeGrading
#AlternativeGrading #gradingforgrowth
RT @katiemattaini
Pls RT! The 2023 Grading Conference is issuing a Call for Session Proposals. A session will typically be an hour-long portion of the conference with several speakers. #AltGrading #Grading4Growth #Ungrading #t2gchat #SBG #AlternativeGrading (1/3)
#AlternativeGrading #SBG #t2gchat #ungrading #grading4growth #altgrading
I teach undergraduate #mathematics and have been reading a lot about #alternativegrading techniques. This year in my abstract algebra class, I have no "points", no exams, and many opportunities for students to revise their work.
#AlternativeGrading #mathematics
Much of my work nowadays focuses on #AlternativeGrading (aka #StandardsBasedGrading, #SpecificationsGrading, #Ungrading, etc.).
I co-author a blog with @roberttalbert. Today's post is a pretty good #introduction to my ideas on teaching and assessment:
#introduction #ungrading #specificationsgrading #standardsbasedgrading #AlternativeGrading
Instead of #ungrading or #AlternativeGrading can we call it demarkation?
#AlternativeGrading #ungrading