Hledám: Náhrada za LastPass
Chtěl bych ideálně appkku pro Android a rozšíření pro Firefox. Platit se nebojím, o svá data na LastPass se ale bojím 😉
#lastpass #alternative #AlternativeTo
#lastpass #alternative #AlternativeTo
People what was that #Aguppe alternative but that had more options where you can moderate who enters your group etc?
Nobody has put Aguppe in the #AlternativeTo 'db'.
#aguppe #aguppealternative #AlternativeTo
The comments on #alternativeto are positive.
Could any #designers check it out and say how it compares to #figma as an #alternative ?
#alternative #figma #designers #AlternativeTo
Can anyone recommend a good and easy to use (open source) alternative to #feedly (rss reader)? Need it to sync between my devices (android, ubuntu, win10) #opensource #optout #AlternativeTo #withoutgoogle
#feedly #opensource #optout #AlternativeTo #withoutgoogle