Lebanese immigrant to Europe makes video epitaph for Germany
Please read the story on the author of this video over at RAIR
#AlternativeforGermany #demographyisdestiny #Germany #Immigrationissues #implodingcivilization #InvasionofEurope #IslaminEurope #Populationreplacement #TrojanHorse
#TrojanHorse #Populationreplacement #IslaminEurope #InvasionofEurope #implodingcivilization #Immigrationissues #Germany #demographyisdestiny #AlternativeforGermany
This is it: The motherlode of stats on vaxx and excess deaths as detailed by German institutions and explained by the AfD
Some weeks ago, Robert Malone tweeted out that this one graph, which was part of the AfD presentation, was all anyone needed to know about th
#AfD #AlternativeforGermany #Diedsuddenly #Dr.RobertMalone #vaccines
#vaccines #Dr #Diedsuddenly #AlternativeforGermany #AfD