AT1 alveolar cell-derived #SonicHedgeHog recruits secondary crest myofibroblasts, a transient (arising e15.5; diminished P60) Force-exerting mesenchyme lineage, to build a Mechanical niche for🐭Lung #Alveologenesis
Dr. Edward Morrisey Lab @sciencemagazine 2021
SCAPE: a powerful bioinformatic framework integrating scRNAseq+scATACseq to explore cell communication
Sender cell Transcription factor-Ligand - Receiver Receptor-Transcription factor
#sonichedgehog #Alveologenesis
#Angiocrine Lung #Alveologenesis
Cyp26b1, catabolizing #RetinoicAcid, is #EndothelialCell-restricted in 🐭 emb Lung+Kidney
Cyp26b1 KO->
⏬AT1 fate of Sox9+ distal airway epithelial progenitors
⏫septa thickness
@ondinecleaver2022 @Dev_journal 2020
#EndothelialCell #Alveologenesis #Angiocrine #retinoicacid
Fantastic story
AT1-#EndothelialCell crosstalk in Lung #Alveologenesis🤠
Hopx+ AT1 Vegfa KO->
Loss of Car4+ EC ramifying over Alveoli
w/o reduced PLVAP+ capillary EC->
Alveolar Smoothening (⏬Outpocketing?)🧐
Dr. Jichao Chen lab Dev Cell 2020
#EndothelialCell #Alveologenesis
AT1 cell Plasticity in #Alveologenesis & Lung Homestasis+Regeneration
AT1 contributes to 30% & 10% AT2 in neonatal & adult 🐭Hyperoxia Lung injury👹
TAZ (likely > #YAP) maintains adult AT1 lineage identity Fig 6E
Dr. David Frank & Edward Morrisey Labs @CellStemCell 2021