> Since 1945 we have known that nuclear technology could generate cheap energy for the benefit of humans—but could also physically destroy human civilisation.
The article seems stupid, but part of it motivated me to see if Amitav Ghosh wrote about AI(Salami)
> We have always appreciated the power of stories...
#YuvalNoahHarari is like a recent #AlvinToffler stringing together cliches that seem smart?
#NuclearTechnoloty #Nukes #NuclearWeapons #NuclearEnergy #AISalami #Salami
#salami #aisalami #nuclearenergy #nuclearweapons #nukes #nucleartechnoloty #AlvinToffler #yuvalnoahharari
#7books that made a difference to me in no particular order.
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by #DouglasAdams
Future Shock by #AlvinToffler
Understanding Media by #MarshallMcLuhan
Understanding Comics by #ScottMcCloud
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by #LewisCarroll
The World Book Encyclopedia (some early 1970s edition) by various
Webcomics by #SeanKleefeld (for obviously very different reasons than anything else!)
#7books #douglasadams #AlvinToffler #marshallmcluhan #ScottMcCloud #lewiscarroll #seankleefeld
Ciertamente, uno de los resortes ocultos para luchar con éxito con las situaciones puede muy bien residir en el sentido del futuro que tenga el individuo.
#PensamientoAtropellado #AlvinToffler
Toda civilización tiene un código oculto, un conjunto de reglas o principios que presiden todas sus actividades y las impregnan de un repetido diseño.
#PensamientoAtropellado #AlvinToffler
Everyone everywhere should read Alvin and Heidi Toffler. Reading Future Shock (1970) changed my whole way of seeing the world and now that I'm reading The Third Wave (1980) I can see that it's they that are great, not just one of their books. Seriously, do yourself a favor and read their stuff. Put a longer scope on your time horizon, bro.
#reading #AlvinToffler #future #someonehastothinklongterm #books #futureshock #TheThirdWave
#reading #AlvinToffler #future #someonehastothinklongterm #books #futureshock #TheThirdWave
Sars-CoV2: il problema non è il virus
di jolek78
Sono sbarcato nel Regno Unito nel 2013, appena un anno dopo dalla morte di m
#bottegadelbarbieri #labottegadelbarbieri
#Articoli #Scienz-piaggini #Scienza #AlvinToffler #astroemagazine #cacciaalfotone #DanieleBarbieri #davidattenborough #evidenza #Feyerabend #informationoverload #jolek78 #LaraAlbanese #metodoscientifico #NEWSLETTERbottega #Scienza #vaccino #virus
#virus #vaccino #NEWSLETTERbottega #metodoscientifico #LaraAlbanese #jolek78 #informationoverload #Feyerabend #evidenza #davidattenborough #DanieleBarbieri #cacciaalfotone #astroemagazine #AlvinToffler #scienza #Scienz #articoli #labottegadelbarbieri #bottegadelbarbieri