Arcans · @arcans
122 followers · 861 posts · Server

Competed yesterday.

As in previous cycle, I had a drop in the 5th micro, which was last week, but came out of it in the 6th, and then had a day off before competition.

In the end I was a decent condition, but not really peak I think. A missed second snatch attempt prevented me of going after a PR, but if I had it would have been 1kg, maybe 2, not really more. Clean & jerk was interesting, opened the heaviest I ever did, I had a very good feeling for the jerks, but cleans were a bit hard. Tried to go for a heavy, 3kg PR 3rd attempt, in order to also get my total PR instead of simply going for a more conservative 1kg C&J PR, but a hard recovery from the clean disrupted my usual clean-to-jet set-up and I couldn’t put it overhead.

So, results are a little bit under last comp, but there are positives:

  • Last time, my snatch movement was still rusty, it felt way better this time, my overhead position in particular feel more secure.
  • A 3kg clean PR. It did not felt that good, but making it on a day where cleans felt heavy is a win and something to build on.
  • Jerks felt glorious, I only missed the last one because of the bad clean before.
  • More data about how I react to training that align nicely with what I have already collected.

Now, in term of my programming experiment, my conclusion is that I was indeed coming out of the usual 5th micro dip in form, but really I think I was about the same level as last comp, and I probably would have needed a few additional microcycles to be in better condition. So I would say that a 3-week cycle is doable to be in decent condition, but a bit too short to get in peak condition, 4, probably 5 weeks would allow more time to get there. Depending on what the head coach decides, next comp will be in 6 or 11 weeks, so that fits pretty well, and I am really looking forward to that. A 260 total really feels like something I could push towards.

Another positive is that I am really enjoying enormously the intellectual process of implementing the Bondarchuk Method to Olympic weightlifting. This has really given me a whole new perspective on programming that aligns pretty well with my approach to training, competing and the relation between both.

#AlwaysBeNoobin #olympicweightlifting #weightlifting

Last updated 2 years ago

Arcans · @arcans
121 followers · 918 posts · Server

Started a new training cycle last week. This will be a really short one this time, after a 11-week one, this will be just a lighter 3-weeks cycle, up to the next competition, less heavier strength work, more technical work. Bit of a gamble, if sport form follow its usual timeline, I should be just entering peak condition in the days of the competition, but if it take even a few days more, I will be competing in diminished form. I'll see how it goes, take my lessons from it and do better afterward.

Snatch pull+Snatch up to 3×(1+1) @97kg
Clean+frontsquat+jerk up 2×(1+1+1) @120kg
Frontsquats* up top 3×2 @130kg
Some hips accessories

Snatch push-presses + overhead squats up to 3×(2+2) @90kg
Clean pulls* up to 4×2 @140kg
Backsquats* up to 3×3 @150kg
Some core accessories

#AlwaysBeNoobin #olympicweightlifting #weightlifting

Last updated 2 years ago