#FindingTheRightWords turns 2 today. Here I am w/my co-author #Dr.BruceMiller, a #doctor whose #empathy, #knowledge, and #generosity knows no bounds. That my father died of #early-onset #Alzheimer's couldn't be changed, but writing the #memoir w/ Bruce changed me, helping to put that experience of profound fragmentation (my father's; mine) into something a little more whole. W/so much gratitude to Bruce and the many #neurologists working to #EndAlz always and esp. during #worldalzheimersmonth
#FindingtheRightWords #dr #doctor #empathy #knowledge #generosity #early #Alzheimer #memoir #neurologists #endalz #worldalzheimersmonth
Am 21.9. ist Welt-Alzheimertag – und daher im ganzen Monat September die #bademantelchallenge. Das ist die Chance, sich mit der Deutschen Demenzhilfe und vielen Engagierten für ein Leben ohne Alzheimer-Demenz stark zu machen. Macht mit!
#bademantelchallenge #demenz #Alzheimer
Für eine Leben ohne #Demenz. Jetzt mitmachen! Wie's geht 👉https://www.bademantelchallenge.de 🧠 #bademantelchallenge #Alzheimer #gemeinsamunvergesslich /mn
#demenz #bademantelchallenge #Alzheimer #gemeinsamunvergesslich
Magensäure-Hemmer können Demenzrisiko erhöhen. Negative Folgen bei jahrelanger Einnahme von Protonenpumpen-Inhibitoren gegen Sodbrennen und Co. #Pantoprazol #Omeprazol #Demenz #Alzheimer #Magensaeure #Sodbrennen #Reflux
#pantoprazol #omeprazol #Demenz #Alzheimer #magensaeure #Sodbrennen #Reflux
@broximar my son has loved all the gaming consoles since Nintendo and Sega. I got him a PS5 for his birthday last summer. Really bad to think about it because he no longer has the dexterity to use the controller. And his #Alzheimer and #Dementia are considerations. Solved! His caregivers play “with him” while he’s propped in bed. Serious #ADHD but focused while playing. Total win for our very disabled guy.
The article offers hope as it outlines that white men over 60 are most affected by #covid and should avoid repeated infections. Whether vaccinated or not. Avoid infections.
And these guys are in charge of our world 😀
#Diabetes #Alzheimer #Stroke #Cardiovascular #LongCovid
#covid #diabetes #Alzheimer #stroke #cardiovascular #LongCovid
@Frances_Larina @caregivers I’m just hanging onto that 2 hours I had alone to myself at 5 am and I was relaxed and happy. Remembering the pool should be a help for my back pain, I swam in it and was feeling better. A warm shower afterwards was great. It was like a cold pack then a hot pack treatment. Ahhhhh, so fine. Yes, even just that 2 hour break early does help me to meditate on this break. Gave me enough strength to do this kind of day with my son once again. Early-onset #Alzheimer
Trying to maintain good spirits all day but it’s hard with someone in the house ranting from dementia. 1 hour straight full blast before getting breakfast. Fine 2 hours. Then yelling again. Took him to Walmart-had peace for an hour. Home now and it’s been another hour straight yelling at his lunch table. He got a variety of sub sandwiches he likes. Questionable if he’ll eat now. Yep a whole day like this. Today spells of yelling will continue until bedtime. #Dementia #Alzheimer @caregivers
Wisdom on Aging from the RNA World: Old Molecules in Young Roles
presented by Myriam Gorospe
Aug 3, 2023
A lot covered in this talk - can't remember it all.
Some highlights:
- senescent oligodendrocyte precursor cells & Alzheimer Disease
- senolytics for AD treatment
- lncRNAs, circular RNAs, etc.
- BAFF (brief mention of autoimmunity & BAFF, multiple sclerosis)
- possibility of universal RNA signature of senescence
- miR-340 binds to Lamin B receptor RNA
#aging #neuroscience #Alzheimer #RNA #senesence
@RickiTarr my youngest son offered to play PlayStation 5 with my adult son we are caregivers for. I’m having back trouble and pain is an issue. So I’m “on the clock” but I can do other things like have a ten minute break to myself. My son we take care of had an epic #Alzheimer meltdown earlier for an hour. Peace in the home is most welcome.
@ravenking89 yay! My son’s the cat with 9 lives x 4. He’s had 33 surgeries, multiple disabilities and got diagnosed with #Alzheimer and also #Dementia with early onset at 41. So this was a huge day for him, every day a victory. He turned 44 and I swear I must be turning 94 in a few weeks by the way I feel. LOL!
Bodybuilding Supplement Shown to Stave Off Dementia in Mice
#health #supplement #Alzheimer
#health #supplement #Alzheimer
@thefathippy @lolonurse I’m reading Traveler to Unimaginable Lands right now because it talks about the journeys of caregivers for those with #Dementia #Alzheimer. I’ve read several chapters where a family member or spouse becomes a trigger. Lately I’m a trigger for my adult son. It’s not as far along as it can or may go. I can imagine your traumas and I’m sorry.
Most people think of genetic #RareDiseases diseases as congenital severe syndromes. While more prevalent in children, many adults with late onset genetic conditions walk around unaware that they have a #RareDisease. Unexplained changes in behavior are major red flags 🚩🚩for #FTD #Huntington or #Alzheimer , often dismissed by people and resulting in major life changes and relationships loss.
The Vanishing Family https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/20/magazine/family-genetics-frontotemporal-dementia.html
#RareDiseases #raredisease #FTD #huntington #Alzheimer
Seeing problems behavior/thinking. Only problem: since he has #Alzheimer and #Dementia it’s hard to get doctors to agree something is wrong we can do something about. Easy for them to say increased hallucinations and delusions are just part of dementia. But we are seeing dramatic changes last 3 days that put us in a quandary. This med is a “new” one to replace the original main anticonvulsant he had major side effects from last Fall and was hospitalized for. This is hard. @caregivers
@gregggonsalves @thenation Desperate Americans always look for a magic pill: so much easier than paying for all that comes with supporting people and families. By the time most people are diagnosed, it’s too late for a magic pill. The realities of these new drugs won’t be widely apparent until too little benefit, too late. #Alzheimer #Dementia
@garry. Problems with #hearing was one of my father's first symptoms of #Alzheimer's. It happened decades before the #diagnosis, & is what #doctors call a #prodrome, an early indicator of something wrong, of a #disease in progress, not fully visible, just waiting to appear. I write about the audiologist who asked my mother how long she & my father had been married, and when she told the doctor decades, he replied that my father didn't want to listen to her anymore. Rage. https://weinsteinandmiller.com
#hearing #Alzheimer #diagnosis #doctors #prodrome #disease
Whoa! #MarcTessierLavigne , the President of #Stanford University has resigned after issues of #ScientificMisconduct were identified in several papers he authored on #Alzheimer ‘s disease. 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/stanford-president-resigns_n_64b8310de4b08cd259da27be
Stanford was also where #ElizabethHolmes hatched her #Theranos scam, and where #DonaldTheDeplorable ‘s ‘Dr. Death’ during the #CoronavirusPandemic #ScottAtlas is a staff member at the #HooverInstitute. 🤔
#marctessierlavigne #stanford #scientificmisconduct #Alzheimer #elizabethholmes #theranos #donaldthedeplorable #Coronaviruspandemic #scottatlas #hooverinstitute #threestrikes
Surprised to find son having sad feelings right now. Out of nowhere while he was relaxing last hour. Saw mouth quivering and eyes welling with tears. I asked him if he was sad and he is. This is really rare. Maybe 4-6 times a year for brief times. Heartbreaking and also because he doesn’t know why. All I could do was hold his hands and acknowledge. He asked to lie down in bed, so caregiver is with him now in dark, quiet. #Alzheimer #Dementia
https://holistichealth.one/treatment-for-alzheimers/ Best Natural Treatment for Alzheimer's, Dementia and Memory Loss. No need to fear memory loss, there is something you can do to help yourself as well as your friends and family that are facing cognitive decline. Boosting natural neurotransmitters, particularly R Lipoic-Acid, phosphatidylserine, Huperzine-A and eating the right types of foods can restore healthy memory and clear focus and prevent brain and nerve degeneration. #alzheimers #alzheimer's #dementia #brain #nerves
#alzheimers #Alzheimer #dementia #brain #nerves