A few long form pieces outside my area of expertise: this on #AlzheimerDisease in #QuantaMagazine I found extremely interesting and also heartbreaking - it's a very complex disease and there is much scientific uncertainty around the causes. Worth a read: https://www.quantamagazine.org/what-causes-alzheimers-scientists-are-rethinking-the-answer-20221208/
#quantamagazine #AlzheimerDisease
認知症 発症前から追跡:#日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO52718640Y9A121C1TJN000/
As "the 3rd #Diabate", the #AlzheimerDisease have been called.
But #highpressure leads to it, I heard.
The treatment is difficult.
#Alzheimer #disease #medicine #JTRC #BioGen #エーザイ #Adukanmab #アデュカヌマブ #WHO
#日本経済新聞 #Diabate #AlzheimerDisease #highpressure #alzheimer #disease #medicine #JTRC #BioGen #エーザイ #Adukanmab #アデュカヌマブ #who