#TimeTravelAuthors 1. Intro time-travel story
On the day of her grandfather's funeral, Jane discovers a working time machine in his attic.
#TimeTravelAuthors #writersofmastodon #AmSubmitting
So, if you receive a note saying that your story has passed the first reader, and is going to the second... do you send a thank you note? Or is this another situation where you're not supposed to respond?
Just sent The Lightbringer, a science fiction short story set in a near-future Alaska, off to yet another publisher. I really like this story, but it has yet to find a home. Fingers crossed, again.
#writinglife #writingcommunity #writing #AmSubmitting
Tfw a story you've been trying to place for what feels like forever bounces yet again, & you're all like, "Ugh, maybe just retire this thing & put it out of its misery," but then you actually open up the rejection email & read it, & the editor says some very nice things about the piece, & the hope of the story being worth a damn is rekindled.
Does this resonate w/ anyone else?
#writer #writerlife #amwriting #amsubmitting #GenreFiction #horror #shortstories #author #authorslife #keepatit
#writer #writerlife #amwriting #AmSubmitting #genrefiction #horror #shortstories #author #authorslife #keepatit
Sweet, sweet rejection.
At least they were nice about it. :)
#acceptance #rejection #AmSubmitting #writingcommunity
Gah. Publishing manuscript formatting guidelines. We all follow reasonably accepted standards. They are accepted by everyone ... until they are not.
Today, I was considering one outlet when I read this: "Submit all work in Times New Roman font size 11."
!! 11? Really? I mean. Can't you bring yourself to 12pt? And 11 what? Pixels? Lazy.
Why? Just.
I suppose that "font size 11" preempts me from griping about requiring a proprietary typeface, but, geez.
#AmSubmitting #writingcommunity
And... that makes SEVEN stories out on submission. Huzzah!!
#writer #writing #amwriting #amsubmitting #shortstories #sciencefiction #humor
#writer #writing #amwriting #AmSubmitting #shortstories #sciencefiction #humor
I've got six stories out on submission right now. That is record number for me. Here's hoping! 😁🤞
#writer #writing #amwriting #amsubmitting #shortstories #flashfiction #sciencefiction #fantasy #horror
#writer #writing #amwriting #AmSubmitting #shortstories #flashfiction #sciencefiction #fantasy #horror
*sigh* send to Fantasy Magazine now or wait until Lightspeed opens its submissions?
The eternal quandary of the submitting author…
#amsubmitting #authorproblems
So, here I am, perusing literary journals to submit my personal narrative (short memoir), and what do I stumble upon? A journal that demands single-spaced manuscripts w/ empty-line delineated paragraphs. Gah! Pass.
Folks, I don't want to have to custom-tweak my manuscript for every goddamn journal out there. Annoying. Stick to standard manuscript formatting for narrative works. Just like everyone else. Please. Pretty please. Geez.
#writingcommunity #AmSubmitting
Snow day today! Used my unexpected free time this morning to scour The Submission Grinder and send a few stories out on submission. Five is the most I've had out at once, which I suspect is actually a low number for many writers, but it's a new PB for me.
#Writer #Writing #AmWriting #AmSubmitting #ShortStory #Shortstories #FlashFiction #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Horror #SpeculativeFiciton #Goals #Aspirations #SubmissionGrinder #KeepWriting #KeepTrying
#writer #writing #amwriting #AmSubmitting #shortstory #shortstories #flashfiction #sciencefiction #fantasy #horror #speculativeficiton #goals #aspirations #submissiongrinder #keepwriting #keeptrying
Nothing gets the blood pumping like thinking you forgot to attach the story to the submission you just sent!!! Excuse me while I lay on the floor.
#amWriting #AmSubmitting #writer #writingLife #writingCommunity
PS: I’m sure I attached it.
PPS: Pretty sure ⚰️
#amwriting #AmSubmitting #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity
My active #submission list had started to dwindle at the end of 2022, so I've been sending out #stories and #poems left and right this January. It's a funny thing, knowing that I am seeding both disappointment and (I hope) delight for myself at some unknown point. Sorry/you're welcome, future me. #amSubmitting #WritingCommunity #perseverance
#perseverance #writingcommunity #AmSubmitting #poems #stories #submission
Submitted a short personal narrative to two different journals yesterday. #AmWriting #AmSubmitting (That sounds rather naughty, doesn't it?)
It is very on the nose, narratively, that Moksha submission pages have ‘WHAT DOES THIS MEAN’ on them, twice. As help text, granted, but it’s a vibe nonetheless. #AmSubmitting #writing
And that's one more #shortstory with all critique incorporated, polished up, and out the door to a market before this year's Codex Weekend Warrior flash fiction competition consumes most of my writing time for the next seven weeks. #Codexian #AmWriting #AmWritingSciFi #AmWritingScienceFiction #WritersOfMastodon #AuthorsOfMastodon #WritingLife #WritersLife #WritingCommunity #AmSubmitting
#shortstory #Codexian #amwriting #amwritingscifi #amwritingsciencefiction #writersofmastodon #authorsofmastodon #writinglife #writerslife #writingcommunity #AmSubmitting
If you recognise this:
Thank You/Interest/No/Feedback/Subjective/Other Agent/Best Luck
You will definitely recognise the long version…
It must be #BoxingDay because I got an inbox full of #rejection notices.
#writing #boxingday #rejection #amwriting #AmSubmitting
The three ghosts, not just of Christmas, but every day: Accepted, Rejected, and... In Progress.
And the story that's sat for six months while I tried to make time to incorporate the excellent feedback from a personal rejection at a pro-rate venue is finally out the door, much improved, to another market. Fingers crossed. #AmWritingScifi #AmWritingScienceFiction #amwriting #WritersOfMastodon #AuthorsOfMastodon #writing #WritingCommunity #WritingLife #WritersLife #fiction #AmSubmitting #clifi #ClimateFiction #Refugee #Florida
#amwritingscifi #amwritingsciencefiction #amwriting #writersofmastodon #authorsofmastodon #writing #writingcommunity #writinglife #writerslife #fiction #AmSubmitting #clifi #climatefiction #refugee #florida