Earlier today my daughter asked to play #AmazingTales
We had a great time. The game ended with her declaring that she had failed in her mission to save a princess and that the princess had been killed by a bat flying into her face. So her character just went home and went back to bed.
Kids are weird.
If you're a parent, or a cool aunt/uncle, this is a game you should check out for playing with kids.
#AmazingTales #ttrpgkids #ttrpgreview
Apart from #AmazingTales I and the kids love to play #HeroKids and Things That Go #Squeak In The Night and #NoThankYouEvil
Got another suggestion for children friendly #TTRPG? Please let me know. 🙏
#AmazingTales #herokids #squeak #nothankyouevil #ttrpg
After playing #AmazingTales a couple of times with the kids I think it’s one of the truly great RPGs for children of all ages; with simple rules, maximum role playing and amazing stories created and told by the players (the children) and the GM (me). ▶️ https://amazing-tales.net/
I love to play Amazing Tales with my daughter, so I decided to write up a review of it because I think the crazy shenanigans it allows are something more of the TTRPG players who are parents should get a chance to try. The review also allowed me to engage in my love for the words "hijinks" and "shenanigans".
#TTRPG #TTRPGKids #AmazingTales #TTRPGShenanigans #TTRPGReview
#ttrpg #ttrpgkids #AmazingTales #ttrpgshenanigans #ttrpgreview
@TristanPEJ I've run #Toon with a group of kids about 8 years old, but you could probably push it a bit younger. I definitely recommend Toon as a system for young kids, but also check out #AmazingTales, which was designed specifically for young kids.