We were wrong about the above — is not man-in-the-middled by CloudFlare…

It's 'd by

The landing and product pages were CloudGlare, and its seems CloudGlare palm the hapless Aussie to (sc)amazon, to watch and control the actual portal part of the site.

#BendigoBank #mitm #AmazonCloudfront #banking #Scamazon #scams #medibankwasamazoncloudfront #computerSaysNo #bankruns #orchestratedbankruns #australia #bitcoinnow

Last updated 1 year ago

It would be great if the website was not blocked by .

0) Tor Browser
1) Try to access europa.eu
2) Get redirected to european-union.europa.eu
3) Blocked (403) by Amazon CloudFront

It's just really not a good thing for the to do.

#europeanunion #AmazonCloudfront #eu

Last updated 1 year ago

There arej persons here not seeking medical care due to this reason of .

As an example, the company, , that was "hacked" last year, goes through . Seriously, what could go wrong?


#datacollection #healthinsurance #Medibank #AmazonCloudfront

Last updated 1 year ago

Nicola Ferrini · @nicferr
30 followers · 735 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Woah! We finally had a chance recently to check the hacked website.

Apparently the company that got hacked, is from servers. So in effect, Australian's data was "hacked" by a US entity first using .

#Medibank #healthinsurance #reverseproxied #AmazonCloudfront #socialengineering #MitMAAS #deleteamazon #deletecloudflare

Last updated 2 years ago

@tchambers @boilingsteam

Forget . Its a scam, and is on Google-owned servers, their CDN is Amazon, and they want people to pay for that "service" by signing up via Cloudflare, lol.

Even just mentioning these makes us feel dirty.

At this point, Russia's is looking like the most ethical choice. You may need to add "lang:en" to your search.


#AmazonBrave #AmazonCloudfront #Kagi #yandex #brave #deleteCAGEFAM #cageFam

Last updated 3 years ago

Lee is not right-wing, though. Not at all. He's social/econonic/env progressive.

The only other reason we can think of is whether has an more pro-isolationist, and anti-regimeChange base?

Even if above is true he is . It doesn't matter who owns that site. Its on Amazon servers, and/or goes through .

Funneling to AmazonLocals is akin to leading them to the slaughter.

We have minor peertube preferences, like invidious.

#locals #dancingWithWolves #AmazonCloudfront #progressives

Last updated 3 years ago

Its pretty clear that are compromised:

All it takes to warn the user of a large-scale (, , ) is to display a pleasant warning page, prompting to "Go Back (recommended)".

could store that the site is compromised so during subsequent attempts to visit, a similar warning appears preemptively.

An orange HTTPS icon would help too.

#torproject #maninthemiddle #AmazonCloudfront #akamai #CFlare #torbrowser

Last updated 3 years ago

It amazes us that people (and ) actually trust , and to surveil all their traffic…

…because , and "Its FREE".

When has, "its a FREE service" ever worked out for the millions of users that adopt it? Someone rename the to , pls.

Its a .

#bankers #cloudflare #AmazonCloudfront #akamai #website #ddos #stockmarket #ClownFare #ClownCarShow #kakistocracy #banks #australia #itsFREE #blockDotCons #blockCloudflare #blockCAGEFAM

Last updated 3 years ago