InfoQ · @infoq
704 followers · 309 posts · Server

for is now generally available:

The new open-source file client provides through a file interface the elastic storage and throughput of Amazon S3, supporting data transfer at up to 100 Gb/second between each EC2 instance and the object storage.

#mountpoint #AmazonS3 #infoq #aws

Last updated 1 year ago

InfoQ · @infoq
527 followers · 129 posts · Server

Introducing Mountpoint for Amazon S3 - an open-source file client to deliver high throughput access on .

Currently in alpha, the local mount point provides high single-instance transfer rates and is primarily intended for data lake applications.

More on :

#AmazonS3 #infoq #cloudcomputing #opensource #operatingsystems

Last updated 2 years ago

We forget, what is your position on CloudFlare? A lot of sites are "fake Russian" and actually go through .

A good way to find or sites that allow , is to use Ctrl+Shift+E in TorBrowser. CloudFlare sites have "cf-ray" in their HTTP responses, have "amz" or "AmazonS3". The and Azure are centralised scams.

Lots of as a service on the .

#cloudflare #fakeSites #massSurviellance #amazon #AkamaiGhost #malware #legacyInternet #AmazonS3 #cdns #CorporateDictatorshipNetworks #usei2p

Last updated 2 years ago

HOW TO TEST your favourite sites for surveillance + other nasties.

1) In a new tab, hit Ctrl+Shift+E for the .

2) Load website.

3) Order fetched content in NetworkTab by then check each domain. Ensure that Server is not Cloudflare (or = = and MS ).

If its bad, make a BLOK bookmark, if good make ALOW bookmark. Date it (eg. feb'22) so after a year you can test it again.

#cloudflare #torbrowser #NetworkTab #domainname #AmazonS3 #Cloudfront #amz #azure #cloudflareTest #deCloudflare #crimeflare

Last updated 3 years ago

If you thought the sector was only under a by , think again.

Early research is showing that about 30% of are being served by ! — in , that is!!

You can test whether your bank is under a (MITM) Attack by hitting F12 in your while loading the .

If the response coming back from says , cloudflare, , or , you may want to


#banking #MITMAttack #cloudflare #banks #microsoft #australia #MegaCorpInTheMiddle #browser #website #MicrosoftIIS #AmazonS3 #akamai #switchBanks

Last updated 3 years ago

Three easy steps to test a site for and other nasties.

1) In a new tab, hit Ctrl+Shift+E to bring up the .

2) Load the website (optional: strip URL to domain name only),

3) In the NetworkTab click each of assets that seem unique to that page. In the column that appears, ensure that Server is not Cloudflare, or (or ). If its bad, make a BLOCKMARK bookmark, if good make an ALLOW b'mark. Date it.

#cloudflare #torbrowser #NetworkTab #domainname #AmazonS3 #MicrosoftIIS #cloudflareTest #deCloudflare

Last updated 3 years ago

dispatch · @dispatch
472 followers · 2723 posts · Server

Prison inmates’ sensitive data left exposed on leaky cloud bucket &order

#law #Dataloss #AmazonS3 #dataleak #privacy #prison #aws

Last updated 5 years ago

dispatch · @dispatch
472 followers · 2723 posts · Server
dispatch · @dispatch
472 followers · 2723 posts · Server