What Quinn said, basically all good things are self first, others later."

If you can't help yourself you cannot help others.

Maybe astroturfing is a problem, when describing a non-AstroTurf dev cycle is considered a fresh, interesting departure from the norm.

Anyway, is Amazon.

Yes, we are that .


#AmazonSubstack #reductionist #cdn #CDNAsAMafia #deleteInternetMafia #deleteCAGEFAM #substack

Last updated 3 years ago

What Quinn said, basically all good things are self first, others later."

If you can't help yourself you cannot help others.

Maybe astroturfing is a problem, when describing a non-AstroTurf dev cycle is considered a fresh, interesting departure from the norm.

Anyway, is Amazon.

Yes, we are that .


#AmazonSubstack #reductionist #cdn #CDNAsAMafia #deleteInternetMafia #deleteCAGEFAM #substack

Last updated 3 years ago