Un mur que je suis régulièrement au niveau du 84 rue Amelot, #paris11
L'artiste #NinaVanKidow qui s'y colle, s'est le cas de le dire.
#paris11 #ninavankidow #streetartparis #streetart #collages #Amazones #womenrock
La soja desplaça població i desforesta selves del Brasil https://directa.cat/la-soja-desplaca-poblacio-i-desforesta-selves-del-brasil/ #sojatransgènica #desforestació #Bolsonaro #ElCerrado #Amazones #Santarem #Cargill #Brasil #AFons #Bunge
#sojatransgènica #desforestació #bolsonaro #ElCerrado #Amazones #Santarem #cargill #brasil #afons #bunge
Laís Martins, Brazilian Report: *Half of communities in Rondônia indigenous land have suspected Covid-19 cases*
"At least half of the 28 traditional communities in the Sete de Setembro protected indigenous land, in the northern Brazilian state of Rondônia, have registered suspected Covid-19 cases, according to leader Celso Lamitxab Suruí. As of Thursday, the number of confirmed cases in the area had reached 50. The region is home to around 1,800 people. According to the newspaper, there are confirmed cases in five different communities.
As of the beginning of the week, newspaper Folha reports there have been 17,498 confirmed cases and 564 Covid-19 deaths among indigenous people of 123 groups in the Brazilian Amazon, citing figures from the Coordination of Brazilian Indigenous People (Coiab). The state of Amazonas has the highest death toll. …"
#Amazones #indigenous #indigenousPeople #coronaVirus #Covid19 #Rondônia #Brazil
#Brazil #rondônia #COVID19 #coronavirus #indigenouspeople #indigenous #Amazones
Andrej Flis, Severe Weather: *The Amazon rainforest is being set on fire, with wildfire smoke circulating the hemisphere*
"The lungs of the Earth are on fire yet again, after the devastation it was caused there last year. A new fire season begins, with many man-made fires that are spreading, clearing land for agricultural use. The Amazon wildfire spread is intense, sending smoke across the Southern Hemisphere.
Wildfires in South America occur every year, as the region enters its dry season. The main problem is that many of the wildfires in the Amazon rainforest are started artificially by locals, with the intention to burn down the forests to create open land for agriculture. The image below shows the wildfire hotspots from MODIS and VIIRS satellite observations for the past 7 days. A lot of fire hotspots can be seen in the central countries as well. …"
#ClimateCrisis #WildFire #rainforest #AmazonFire #Amazones #capitalism #Brazil #Bolsonaro
#bolsonaro #Brazil #capitalism #Amazones #amazonfire #rainforest #wildfire #ClimateCrisis