Today in Labor History June 26, 1975: FBI provoked a shootout with members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) at Oglala, South Dakota. The deadly firefight left two FBI agents and Lakota activist Joe Stuntz dead. Two AIM leaders were prosecuted for the FBI deaths and found innocent. A third AIM activist, Leonard Peltier was later framed by undercover FBI agents who were conducting counterintelligence on the reservation. During the trial, some of the government’s own witnesses testified that Peltier wasn’t even present at the scene of the killings and the judge disallowed some of the same evidence that helped acquit his comrades in the earlier trial. In 2017, President Obama denied Peltier's application for clemency. He is still in prison and his health has been deteriorating. There is a petition to get him transferred from prison to Mayo clinic in Minnesota. On June 7, 2022, The UN Human Rights Council's Working Group on Arbitrary Detention found that Peltier’s imprisonment violates the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #LeonardPeltier #fbi #obama #AmericanIndianMovement #indegenous #prison #racism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #leonardpeltier #fbi #obama #AmericanIndianMovement #Indegenous #prison #racism
Today in Labor History April 18, 1977: Native American activist Leonard Peltier was found guilty of murdering two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Reservation. However, he was actually framed by undercover FBI agents who were conducting counterintelligence on the reservation. During the trial, some of the government’s own witnesses testified that Peltier wasn’t even present at the scene of the killings. In 2017, President Obama denied Peltier's application for clemency. He is still in prison and his health has been deteriorating. There is a petition to get him transferred from prison to Mayo clinic in Minnesota. On June 7, 2022, The UN Human Rights Council's Working Group on Arbitrary Detention found that Peltier’s imprisonment violates the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #LeonardPeltier #fbi #obama #AmericanIndianMovement #indegenous #prison #racism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #leonardpeltier #fbi #obama #AmericanIndianMovement #Indegenous #prison #racism
Terrific oral history.
“The 71-day occupation of Wounded Knee by Oglalas and the American Indian Movement was a watershed moment. February 27, 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the historic takeover. This episode features the personal and family histories of Madonna Thunder Hawk and Bill Means—a story told by the Wounded Knee participants themselves about the importance of the American Indian Movement.”
#AmericanIndianMovement #rednation #woundedknee
📢🪧 #b0502 5.2.2023 #BERLIN #KUNDGEBUNG
16⁰⁰–17⁰⁰ US-Botschaft #BrandenburgerTor #PariserPlatz
🦅🪶 50 Jahre #WoundedKnee #AmericanIndianMovement Protest 1973 - 47.Haftjahrestag #FreeLeonardPeltier #FreeThemAll
#leonardpeltier #b0502 #Berlin #kundgebung #brandenburgertor #pariserplatz #woundedknee #AmericanIndianMovement #FreeLeonardPeltier #freethemall
RT @SpottedElk7
On this day in White History, Abraham Lincoln gave the go ahead to hang 38 Innocent Dakota Warriors. Their crime defending their land n killing a cow to Feed their Tribe.
#Dakota38+2 #boyswithbraids
#AmericanIndianMovement #LandBack
#Dakota38 #boyswithbraids #AmericanIndianMovement #landback
We, are the Grandchildren of the Ndns (Indians) you Couldn't silence! And We are coming for Everything, Our Ancestors were denied! Mitakuye O'yasin (All My Relatives.) ⚪🟡🔴⚫
#AmericanIndianMovement #liberateturtleisland
U.S.A.: political prisoners, by any other name by Peter Biskind
#politicalprisoners, #politicalrepression, #unitedstatesofamerika, #prisons, #incarceration, #SNCC, #antiwar, #antiblackness, #FTP, #Wilmington10, #AmericanIndianMovement, #PuertoRicanindependencemovement, #antiimperialism
Seven Days, May 23 1977, pages 23-25.
#politicalprisoners #politicalrepression #unitedstatesofamerika #prisons #incarceration #SNCC #antiwar #antiblackness #ftp #Wilmington10 #AmericanIndianMovement #PuertoRicanindependencemovement #antiimperialism
Can't Jail the Spirit: Political Prisoners in the U.S., A Collection of Biographies by Committee to End the Marion Lockdown (CEML)
#politicalprisoners, #politicalrepression, #unitedstatesofamerika, #prisons, #incarceration, #biographicaldictionaries, #biographicaldictionary, #colonialism, #antiblackness, #imperialism, #antiimperialism, #anticolonialism, #blackliberation, #AmericanIndianMovement, #BlackLiberationArmy, #GeorgeJacksonBrigade, #BlackPantherParty, #MOVEOrganization, #RevolutionaryArmedTaskForce, #FuerzasArmadasdeLiberaciónNacional, #PuertoRicanindependencemovement, #Blackliberationmovement, #UnitedFreedomFront, #armedclandestinemovements, #leftwingpolitics, #leftistpolitics
Fourth Edition
#politicalprisoners #politicalrepression #unitedstatesofamerika #prisons #incarceration #biographicaldictionaries #biographicaldictionary #colonialism #antiblackness #imperialism #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #blackliberation #AmericanIndianMovement #BlackLiberationArmy #GeorgeJacksonBrigade #blackpantherparty #MOVEOrganization #RevolutionaryArmedTaskForce #FuerzasArmadasdeLiberaciónNacional #PuertoRicanindependencemovement #Blackliberationmovement #UnitedFreedomFront #armedclandestinemovements #leftwingpolitics #leftistpolitics
Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier Shares His Indian Boarding School Story
#LeonardPeltier #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners #AmericanIndianMovement
#leonardpeltier #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners #AmericanIndianMovement
White House won’t ‘predict’ decision on #LeonardPeltier
The White House isn’t shedding light on what President Biden thinks about imprisoned #AmericanIndianMovement activist Leonard Peltier.
#leonardpeltier #AmericanIndianMovement