On 15 December 1939, the romantic epic ‘Gone with the Wind’, starring Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable, premiered in Atlanta, Georgia. The film was based on the 1936 novel of the same name by Margaret Mitchell and tells the story of love and war in the American South during the Civil War. #GoneWithTheWind #VivienLeigh #ClarkGable #MargaretMitchell #Romance #AmericanSouth #CivilWar #AtlantaGeorgia #Trivia
#gonewiththewind #vivienleigh #clarkgable #margaretmitchell #romance #AmericanSouth #civilwar #AtlantaGeorgia #trivia
Watching Streetcar Named Desire yesterday, it occurred to me that there might be some who believe Southern traditions/oddities passé. But for me, that hasn't been my experience. I'm considering watching Cat on a Hot Tin Roof today and let's just say a New-Orleans-born patriarch in my family prefers the moniker "Big Daddy." Let's also say I was a cotillion grad and made my debut though I wouldn't consider myself enmeshed in that life today. Au contraire.
#AmericanSouth #south #southertradition