The #NutmegsCurse by #Amitav Ghosh keeps making me think of scenes from #HayaoMiyazaki's #宮崎駿 movies: a river god purging pollution in #SpiritedAway #千と千尋 the noise and smoke from the Industrial town in #PrincessMononoke #もののけ姫, along with the little forest spirits, the big deer god. #水俣曼荼羅 #MinamataMandala's producer #HaraKazuo said the #LocalGods of a place #地神 #地公神 take part in movies. It would be interesting to see #原一男 talk with #DaviKopenwa about the #xapiri of the #Amazon.
#amazon #xapiri #DaviKopenwa #原一男 #地公神 #地神 #LocalGods #HaraKazuo #MinamataMandala #水俣曼荼羅 #もののけ姫 #princessmononoke #千と千尋 #spiritedaway #宮崎駿 #hayaomiyazaki #Amitav #NutmegsCurse