#AmitavGhosh starts _The #NutmegsCurse here among #Indonesia's #BandaIslands. It's great book: several of #Ponsonby and #AnneMorelli's Principles of #WarPropaganda start here in #Ambon, or #Amboyna later. The #Dutch traded #Manhattan for the little island #Run. It's so small you need to focus-in on a focus-in of a part of a map covering from India to New Guinea. the map is from p12 of #AlisonGames _Inventing the #English #Massacre, Amboyna.. (Previous posts mistakenly tagged #AmitovGhosh)
#AmitovGhosh #massacre #english #AlisonGames #run #manhattan #dutch #Amboyna #ambon #warpropaganda #AnneMorelli #Ponsonby #BandaIslands #indonesia #NutmegsCurse #AmitavGhosh
In his #DemocracyNow interview #AmitovGhosh mentioned the interdependence of #USA #military and #oil #fossilfuels , the importance of the #StraitOfHormuz and #StraitOfMalacca came up. #Malacca provide a #DesignPrinciple to the #ShippingIndustry 'The maximum size of a vessel that can pass through the Strait is referred to as the #Malaccamax .' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strait_of_Malacca#Economic_importance
#Malaccamax #Shippingindustry #DesignPrinciple #malacca #StraitOfMalacca #straitofhormuz #fossilfuels #oil #military #usa #AmitovGhosh #democracynow
#AmitovGhosh suggests 'that politics.. like literature, has become a matter of personal moral reckoning rather than an arena of #collective action. But to limit fiction and politics to individual #moral adventure comes at a great cost. The #ClimateCrisis asks us to imagine other forms of human existence--a task.. which #fiction.. is the best suited of all cultural forms. His book..[is] a #GreatWriter 's summons to confront the most urgent task of our time. ' #Ghosh
#Ghosh #GreatWriter #fiction #climatecrisis #moral #collective #AmitovGhosh
'Even if we were able.. to shift from #FossilFuels to #RenewableEnergy, wouldn’t there still be the problem of this, the #OverProduction of capitalism.. the problem.. of having to deal with the e-waste, of.. the batteries for the electric cars.. changing of our batteries every year because the companies have to keep producing new models and keep the #consumption flow going? '
#JuanGonzalez #AmitovGhosh on the need for #DeGrowth ?
Thanks to @cocoron for a good link.
#degrowth #AmitovGhosh #JuanGonzalez #consumption #overproduction #renewableenergy #fossilfuels
"..going back to the #Enlightenment, the 17th century .. we get this #mechanistic vision of the Earth as something that’s dead, as something that really exists only to provide people, you know, powerful human beings, with resources. And I think, at bottom, we just have to move away from that, move away completely to a different way of envisioning the #earth "
#AmitovGhosh #writer not #mechanist #NutmegsCurse reminds me of #Galeano #stories #killed by #resourcecurse
#resourcecurse #killed #stories #galeano #NutmegsCurse #mechanist #writer #AmitovGhosh #earth #mechanistic #enlightenment