This has been one of my favorite horror games since Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
It has everything: exotic settings, a powerless protagonist, a drip feed of narrative exposition, environmental puzzles, horror/"sanity" damage, creeping around in the dark hiding from scary things, running frantically from scary things, and contemplating doing horrifying things yourself to survive.
If I have one complaint, it's the darkness. Many of the areas are dark, for scary reasons and tension-heightening reasons, and matches and lamp oil are scarce resources. There is a kind of mitigating night vision effect that kicks in when you're in total darkness (at the expense of horror damage). However, it is so dark some of the time that it's impossible to see anything, particularly if there's any ambient light in the room you're physically sitting in - I actually got this game on release day, started playing it, got frustrated with the darkness problems, and put it down again until just now.
However, I was able to get past that this time (partly due to the steam deck's portability and wide range of brightness) and really enjoy Tasi's story.
The story itself is very dark and very rich, with particular emphasis on children and motherhood. One unique mechanic that I particularly enjoyed was that, if you get overwhelmed by the dark or the monsters or the monsters in the dark, instead of dying and having to load a save, you black out and lose control, hallucinating and then regaining consciousness a little further along the path and pointing in the right direction. It fit well with the narrative and definitely helped prevent the transformation from horror/tension to frustration that I've experienced with similar games.
Anyway, if you've got a dark room and nerves of steel, go play Amnesia: Rebirth!
They somehow managed to make breastfeeding not beautiful
Hate this one so much
Half-Life (1998)
Joining the video call
Diagnosis: perganang
Half-Life 2 (2004)
Alien walk-in clinic
Oh I see, this is a Hylian temple
Egg chairs and touch lamps
Just in time for a screening of Poppy Playtime!
Wait, they just reused the level from #ResidentEvil
#AmnesiaRebirth #gameing #residentevil
At least these aliens appreciate danish design
When I make a wrong turn on the way to town
Ok yeah, definitely dutch