@markmcelroy @msauter I left #RoamReseach nearly 2 years ago for #ObsidianMD (with a short pit stop at #Amplenote in between) because I was horrified by the company’s approach to trust and privacy.
#Amplenote #ObsidianMD #roamreseach
@markmcelroy @gudrun_g yeah after moving from #RoamReseach to #AmpleNote and then #Obsidian 1.5 years ago I’ll likely stay with local first. It’s so liberating to be able to decide for myself what’s on a server somewhere rather than decide what I save locally.
#obsidian #Amplenote #roamreseach
@vladcampos Have considered. But a key use-case for me is document storage: attachments, search, OCR, etc. Currently whittled down to #Amplenote #Nimbus or #Notejoy...
Somebody in Discord made the mistake of asking about task management. Gave them three names —#Taskwarrior, #OrgMode, #Amplenote — and a reading list.
BTW task apps: if you say you can schedule recurrence, I'm gonna be comparing it to this:
#Amplenote #orgmode #taskwarrior
Almost as niche of a workflow as one can get, but *if* one enjoyed task funnel w/ #AmpleNote and the nerdy extensibility of #TriliumNotes and rich text entry from both *but* hadn't memorized any APIs yet:
Copy and paste works (if you avoid / fix nested lists)
Side note — hah! no? ok sorry — the Vivaldi browser sidebar makes a great spot for Amplenote jots.