#Racism and the Abuse Of #Technology
10 August #AmyGoodman and #DenisMoynihan
#rabble #racism #technology #AmyGoodman #denismoynihan
J'ai mis en ligne pour quelques jours un direct d'une dizaine de minutes sur #DemocracyNow sur la situation en France et un entretien avec Rokhaya Diallo.
Alors que chez nous les médias ne parlent que de saccage et de la cagnotte de l'assassin, les médias étrangers font des sujets de fond sur les violences racistes de la police et sur les morts, racisés à 90%.
#rokhayadiallo #Amygoodman #FranceRiots #PoliceMurders #Racism #InstitutionalRacism #France
#democracynow #RokhayaDiallo #AmyGoodman #franceriots #policemurders #racism #institutionalracism #france
Presque 10 mn de #DemocracyNow consacrées à la France et aux luttes pour venir à bout de la #contrereformedesretraites , je ne boude pas mon plaisir.
Merci à #AmyGoodman de porter notre combat au delà des frontières de l'hexagone.
Merci également à #ColeStangler pour son papier dans le #NyTimes "France is furious" qui explique parfaitement dans cette vidéo notre situation aux camarades étasuniens.
#democracynow #contrereformedesretraites #AmyGoodman #colestangler #nytimes #reformedesretaites #burnbabyburn
Watching the Belmarsh Tribunal on Julian Assange and press freedom right now… powerful testimony by many amazing speakers featured!
#julianassange #pressfreedom #democracynow #BelmarshTribunal #AmyGoodman
#julianassange #pressfreedom #democracynow #BelmarshTribunal #AmyGoodman
We are living in the timeline where #democracynow 's #AmyGoodman read the following headline today:
"SF’s Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to ban #police from using “#killer #robots.” The vote reverses a decision made by the board just last week to allow the explosives-laden robots to be deployed..."
#robots #killer #Police #AmyGoodman #democracynow
We are living in the timeline where #democracynow 's #AmyGoodman read the following headline today:
"SF’s Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to ban #police from using “#killer #robots.” The vote reverses a decision made by the board just last week to allow the explosives-laden robots to be deployed..."
#robots #killer #Police #AmyGoodman #democracynow
As always I love Democracy Now and Amy Goodman's interviews and this story is really powerful for me because of the deeply humanizing way his Mom and sister Laila and Sanaa Seif share their experiences, both trying to help him stay alive and in continuing to work on civil rights and climate justice.
#HashtagsAtTheEnd: #DemocracyNow, #AmyGoodman, #AlaaAbdElFattah, #SanaaSeif, #ClimateJustice, #HumanRights, #CivilRights, #Egypt, #USAcomplicity, #PoliticalPrisoners
#hashtagsattheend #democracynow #AmyGoodman #alaaabdelfattah #SanaaSeif #climatejustice #humanrights #civilrights #egypt #usacomplicity #politicalprisoners
#FirstNations #TheIntercept #RebeccaNagle speaks to #AmyGoodman on the case that could gut #NativeAmericanSovereignty
#firstnations #theintercept #RebeccaNagle #AmyGoodman #NativeAmericanSovereignty
Will the #FarRight Win in 🇫🇷 #France? President #EmmanuelMacron to Face Marine Le Pen in Runoff
#RokhayaDiallo French journalist, fil maker activist, speaks with #AmyGoodman
French President Emmanuel Macron and far-right candidate Marine Le Pen are headed to a runoff on April 24 after winning the most votes in France's first roun...
#democracynow #farright #france #EmmanuelMacron #RokhayaDiallo #AmyGoodman #extremedroite