My Top 1000 Songs #132: Don't Ever Change. Singer-songwriter Amy Rigby's heartstring-tugger is my go-to when I need a good cry. Nothing cuts through my cynicism quicker than Amy's "I love you, you're perfect, don't ever change." There's a lot that's good in this world, indeed. #music #singer-songwriter #AmyRigby
#AmyRigby, That Tone of Voice
#TheFortunes, You've Got Your Troubles
#HarlemRiverDrive, Harlem River Drive
#LiquorGiants, Beautiful Flo
#DriveByTruckers, Hearing Jimmy Loud
#TheBeautifulSouth, Old Red Eyes Is Back
#LeonardCohen, Dance Me To The End Of Love
#ArcadeFire, Wake Up
#ArcadeFire #leonardcohen #TheBeautifulSouth #DriveByTruckers #LiquorGiants #HarlemRiverDrive #TheFortunes #AmyRigby #TheMorningLine