A couple of years ago I began working on a #diysynth, which is also to be a #modularsynth and an #analoguesynth or #analogsynth.
A sudden change in circumstances brought the project to a shuddering halt, but I'm going to try to get it going again this year. Most of what I'd done was on paper (computer), laying out an initial standard for myself, so nothing was lost in the interim.
Now that I've fic the DIY synth community on here I have an open question (next toot).
#diysynth #modularsynth #AnalogueSynth #analogsynth
Mostly #music these days, diverse tastes but first loves include
#Techno #Electronica #Drone #Ambient
#Eurorack #ModularSynth #Buchla
#Synth #AnalogueSynth but no purist
I love my #DigitalSynth ‘s too
Plus #LiveCode
lots of love for #TidalCycles although early days!
#Guitarist in a past life but much ❤️ still
#GenerativeArt #Processing #PS5.js
Techie and past #SysAdmin #Ubuntu #Linux #GnuLinux #WebDev
#TwinPeaks 🖤🤍
#Introduction #Music #techno #electronica #drone #ambient #eurorack #modularsynth #buchla #synth #AnalogueSynth #DigitalSynth #livecode #tidalcycles #guitarist #generativeart #processing #PS5 #sysadmin #ubuntu #linux #GNUlinux #webdev #twinpeaks #photography #astronomy #moon