Anand, India: AUTHENTICA PIZZA | Rating: 5 #pizza #anand
#Ucraina #Canada
Ministra della difesa Anita #Anand (#LPC|Centro-sinistra): "Il primo carro da combattimento canadese Leopard 2 che abbiamo donato all'Ucraina è ora arrivato in #Polonia. Insieme ai nostri alleati, addestreremo presto le forze armate ucraine all'uso di questa attrezzatura. Il Canada continuerà a sostendere l'Ucraina."
#ucraina #canada #Anand #lpc #polonia
DND press release:
"Minister #Anand announced that #Canada will donate 200 Senator Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) to #Ukraine. This new package of military assistance responds to a specific Ukrainian request for these vehicles, which are being purchased from Roshel, a Canadian company[...]. This aid is valued at over $90 million and is allocated as part of the additional $500 million in military aid for Ukraine announced by Prime Minister Trudeau in November 2022."
Good reminder
Rewatching Anand's immortal game vs. Aronian. I wouldn't have considered the next two moves by black. As #agadmator says, pause the video and see if you can find the next two moves for black
#agadmator #WhileIGiveYouAFewSeconds #chess #Anand