Anand Teltumbde Explains the Genesis of His Articles on Bhima-Koregaon
Instead of addressing the pathetic condition of Dalits, many Ambedkarites are busy promoting a devotional cult of Babasaheb, hollowing out his radical content and helping the ruling classes exploit his legacy.
#AnandTeltumbde #BhimaKoregaon #ElgarParishad #ambedkar #ambedkarites #dalits #maharashtra #india
#AnandTeltumbde #bhimakoregaon #elgarparishad #ambedkar #ambedkarites #dalits #maharashtra #india
Has India Ever Been a Democracy?
Debashish Roy Chowdhury and John Keane's 'To Kill a Democracy' deals with the question how democracies get killed and dismisses the commonplace perspective of the “breakdowns”, writes Anand Teltumbde.
#democracy #constitution#authoritarianism #NarendraModi #BJP #wealth #billionaires #CronyCapitalism #hindutva #HinduNationalism #india #BookReview #books #bookstodon #DebashishRoyChowdhury #JohnKeane #AnandTeltumbde #
#democracy #constitution #narendramodi #BJP #wealth #billionaires #cronycapitalism #hindutva #HinduNationalism #india #bookreview #books #bookstodon #debashishroychowdhury #johnkeane #AnandTeltumbde
The ugly face of justice: Anand Teltumbde reviews Abdul Wahid Shaikh’s ‘Innocent Prisoners’
The book exposes a sinister modus operandi of the police of charging innocent Muslims for terror acts, which is structurally made easier in India.
#BookReview #AbdulWahidShaikh #AnandTeltumbde #muslims #terrorism #UAPA #justice #law #police #IndianJudiciary #NIA #islamophobia #prisoners #HumanRights #intelligence #india
#bookreview #abdulwahidshaikh #AnandTeltumbde #muslims #terrorism #uapa #justice #law #police #indianjudiciary #nia #islamophobia #prisoners #humanrights #intelligence #india
Young rebellions
Anand Teltumbde's review of Nikhila Henry's 'The Ferment', a book chronicling the recent wave of youth movements in India against ascendant Hindutva and neoliberalism.
#BookReview #NikhilaHenry #AnandTeltumbde #DalitActivism #dalits #dalit #hindutva #neoliberalism #history #activism #RSS #BJP #india #archives
#bookreview #nikhilahenry #AnandTeltumbde #dalitactivism #dalits #dalit #hindutva #neoliberalism #history #activism #RSS #BJP #india #archives
Anand Teltumbde -- a civil rights activist and a scholar -- walked out of jail today
He was a political prisoner, incarcerated in the Hindu Rashtra (i.e., India) since 2020 on fake charge.
#AnandTeltumbde #civilrights #JaiBhim #india #humanrights
பீமா கோரேகான் வழக்கில் கைது செய்யப்பட்ட ஆனந்த் டெல்டும்டே ஜாமீனில் இன்று விடுதலை… via
#BhimaKoregaon #SupremeCourt #AnandTeltumbde #Bail #Jail #Release
#release #jail #bail #AnandTeltumbde #supremecourt #BhimaKoregaon
RT @LiveLawIndia
#BombayHighCourt has granted bail to Prof #AnandTeltumbde, a dalit scholar and an accused in the Bhima Koregaon - Elgar Parishad Case.
Prof Teltumbde was arrested in April 2020.
#BombayHighCourt #AnandTeltumbde
More than two years now. More than two years since world's largest democracy imprisoned one of its top rated academic and intellectual. It's obscene how this govt can arrest and imprison anyone without trial. Just spare a moment to think about what's happening in India today. The scale of this violence just grows and grows. And sadly with it has grown our apathy. #AnandTeltumbde
The govt., which says it respects Dr.Ambedkar... It pays its respects in this way...
#AnandTeltumbde's judicial custody of extended till June 5.
#AnandTeltumbde #AnandTelutumbde