Finally added my #neopronouns:
A #HumanoidUnicorn has no #gender, and yet, has all genders at the same time. I call it the "schrödingers" gender.
So it simply is ( any / any ).
It's deeply rooted in my unsatisfactory with the male-cis gender. In particular I dislike this Mr / Sir thing. However, I have always identified as a boy.
Some people called me already by my female version name and I actually don't care. I like it though.
But I actually don't belong to any stereotyped gender norm. I am beyond.
But to make it cristal clear: I seek so abolish all gender stereotypes. And afterwards there will be no gender identification possible.
That's how I understand #deconstructivism as an answer to #PostStructuralism.
I call this: #GenderLiberation in my #AnarchoUnicornism theory.
#neopronouns #humanoidunicorn #gender #deconstructivism #poststructuralism #genderliberation #Anarchounicornism
Finally added my #neopronouns:
A #HumanoidUnicorn has no #gender, and yet, has all genders at the same time. I call it the "schrödingers" gender.
So it simply is ( any / any ).
It's deeply rooted in my unsatisfactory with the male-cis gender. In particular I dislike this Mr / Sir thing. However, I have always identified as a boy.
Some people called me already by my female version name and I actually don't care. I like it though.
But I actually don't belong to any stereotyped gender norm. I am beyond.
But to make it cristal clear: I seek so abolish all gender stereotypes. And afterwards there will be no gender identification possible.
That's how I understand deconstructivism as an answer to post-tructuralism.
I call this: #GenderLiberation in my #AnarchoUnicornism theory.
#neopronouns #humanoidunicorn #gender #genderliberation #Anarchounicornism
Finally added my #neopronouns:
A #HumanoidUnicorn has no #gender, and yet, has all genders at the same time. I call it the "schrödingers" gender.
So it simply is ( any / any ).
It's deeply rooted in my unsatisfactory with the male-cis gender. In particular I dislike this Mr / Sir thing.
However, some people called me already by my female version name and I actually don't care. I like it though.
But to make it cristal clear: I seek so abolish all gender stereotypes. And afterwards there will be no gender identification possible.
Is it because of 1000s of gender or because none remaining, it will have the same theoretical outcome.
I call this: #GenderLiberation in my #AnarchoUnicornism theory.
#neopronouns #humanoidunicorn #gender #genderliberation #Anarchounicornism
Finally added my neopronouns:
A humanoid unicorn has no gender, and yet, has all genders at the same time. I call it the "schrödingers" gender.
So it simply is ( any / any ).
It's deeply rooted in my unsatisfactory with the male-cis gender. In particular I dislike this Mr / Sir thing.
However, some people called me already by my female version name and I actually don't care. I like it sometimes.
But to make it cristal clear: I seek so abolish all gender stereotypes. And afterwards there will be no gender identification possible.
Is it because of 1000s of gender or because none remaining, it will have the same theoretical outcome.
I call this: Gender Liberation in my #AnarchoUnicornism
@livinghell ah, OK, I think, that we have often just the ability to say no to the madness, without offering a better perspective yet. It would be dumb to only act for an intentional transition.
Sometimes the oppressive conditions have to fall first, before you can point to a light in the end of the tunnel. It would be dumb to reject actions caused by injustice.
I always subsumed myself to anarcho-communism or syndicalism. But those names are very traditional and members often not up to changes in these theories.
So I wanna create a new anarchism that includes findings from Marx, Freud, Foucault, Butler, Kurz and Scholz and I call it Anarch@Unicornism 🦄 #Anarchounicornism
#JudithButler, #RoswithaScholz, #Feminism, #AnarchoUnicornism
Everyone who reads this before me will be post-prosecuted in the first Anarcho-Unicorn Anti-Republic and be post-sentenced to have 10 years no post-capitalistic sex. 👿
On materialist Feminism: The logic of gender: on the separation of spheres and the process of abjection
#judithbutler #roswithascholz #feminism #Anarchounicornism
I consider this the foundation of #Unicornism or #AnarchoUnicornism 😉
#unicornism #Anarchounicornism
Aufwachen ihr humanoiden Einhornwesen 🦄🌈🥰 die Weltlinge sind im Selbstmordmodus und nur #Anarchounicornism kann sie retten. 🙄😬
#Anarchy #Anarchocommunism #Anarchosyndicalism #Anarchounicornism 🌈🦄🌹 Make your mind beautiful
#anarchy #anarchocommunism #anarchosyndicalism #Anarchounicornism
#Anarchy #Anarchocommunism #Anarchosyndicalism #Anarchounicornism 🌈🦄🌹 Make your mind beautiful
#anarchy #anarchocommunism #anarchosyndicalism #Anarchounicornism