Quarantimes 119: Testosteron
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Testosteron ist schuld an allem. Testosterone macht den Mann zum Mann. Testosterone ist, was Trailor jetzt hat. Und will er's? Über Queerness, Passing, Gatekeeping, Ängste, Lüste, stealth, strukturelle Gewalt, den richtigen Moment und wie immer die sich widersprechenden gleichzeitigen Gefühle, die Gebrochenheit der Identität und den Trouble mit dem wir bleiben.
#queer #trans #Anarchy #masculinity #gender
Their track on Black Metal Rainbows was a real standout but this is something else.
Listen to this 18 minute brute on a great theme for Todon.
#Metal #Anarchy #ConquestOfBread
La Conquista Del Pan (parts 1 to 3) by Casi Todos Los Males
#conquestofbread #Anarchy #metal
Quarantimes Special: Understanding Anarchy As Queer
Listen at: https://www.freie-radios.net/123320
this piece was performed in St.Imier @anarchy2023
it talks about the connection of #anarchy and queerness.
from a ideological, practical and historical point of view.
it is the input for a 1.5 hour discussion.
in case you are wondering whether this is for you - it is.
#queer #trans #ria23
"Die anarchistische Geschichtsschreibung verharrt zwar häufig in einem patriarchalen Weltbild – die anarchistische Idee aber ist nach wie vor emanzipatorisch und revolutionär. Gerade wenn es ums Zusammenspiel von Unterdrückungsmechanismen geht: Intersektionalität ist in der feministischen Theorie längst etabliert – also die Analyse, dass Kapitalismus, Rassismus und Sexismus nicht unabhängig voneinander wirken, sondern verwoben sind und daher zusammen gedacht und dekonstruiert werden müssen. Bemerkenswerterweise, konstatiert die italienische Philosophin Chiara Bottici, werde in all der Literatur, die sich mit Intersektionalität befasse, die anarchafeministische Tradition aber kaum erwähnt. Oder etwas salopper, in den Worten der deutschen Autorin Margarete Stokowski: «Wenn wir die Sache mit der Intersektionalität ernst meinen, steht am Ende die Abschaffung von Herrschaft: Anarchie.»"
@anarchy2023 via @woz
EMMA GOLDMAN! [27/06/1869 - 14/05/1940]
dedicou grande parte de sua vida à Viveu durante a ascenção do movimento anarquista e revoluções sociais auxiliadas por ele, como a Revolução Russa e a Guerra Civil Espanhola.
"Se eu não puder dançar, então não é minha revolução". (Emma Goldman)
#goldman #emmagoldman #anarquia #anarquismo #socialismo #anarchy #anarchism
texto livremente adapatado da @tsaeditora
#Anarchism #Anarchy #socialismo #Anarquismo #Anarquia #emmagoldman #goldman
still got a couple sticker packs for sale!
waterproof vinyl, pretty colors. very cool stickers. don't miss out! :blobhaj_blanketslate:
#Illustration #Stickers #Art #Fantasy #Queer #Anarchy
#Anarchy #Queer #fantasy #Art #stickers #illustration
'... capitalism produces individuals who define themselves by what they have, not who they are. This leads to consumption for the sake of consumption, as people try to make themselves happy by consuming more commodities.'
#anarchy #anticonsumption #advertising #manipulation
#Anarchy #AntiConsumption #advertising #manipulation
Am 1. Mai Stand in Zug haben wir viele Bücher und Zeitschriften aufgelegt. Mit Plakaten haben wir das internationale anarchistische Treffen im Sommer beworben. Danke für euren Besuch!
#stimier #anarchy2023 #Anarchy #zentralschweiz #1mai
The anarchist library: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index
(también disponible en otros idiomas)
"Andrewism" youtube channel is a good way to get into anarchist ideas: https://youtube.com/@Andrewism (english / Trinidad and Tobago)
"Zoe Baker" a youtube channel about radical theory and history: https://youtube.com/@anarchopac (english / UK)
"Anark" a youtube channel about leftist ideas: https://youtube.com/@Anark (english / US)
#anarchism #Anarchy #anarquismo #anarquia
"Anarchist May 1st Stockholm l"
RT @Anarkism_info
ANARKISTISK 1 MAJ STHLM 🏴 #Anarchism #Anarchy #MayDay 🔥
hi i'm here for the #Antifascism and #Anarchy excuse me while I curate my timeline to be interesting... 🦊 💜 🏴
Procrastination is the only good nation!
#NeedForStickers #anarchy #stickers #mastoart #procrastination #NoBorderNoNation
#needforstickers #Anarchy #stickers #mastoart #procrastination #nobordernonation
Scrap the Monarchy - help Kunt and the Gang with some lyrics for their coronation song: https://katg.co.uk/
#scrapthemonarchy #anarchy
i drew a weedsmoking girlfriend for you, with my thumb. enjoy. :heart_lesbian: :thisisfine: :cannabis:
#Cannabis #Punx #Graffiti #Art #Illustration #Doodle #Drawing #Anarchy #PocketPaint
#PocketPaint #Anarchy #drawing #doodle #illustration #Art #graffiti #punx #Cannabis
stay frosty :yell:
#CrustStep #DeadPrincess #Oi #Crunk #FolkPunk #HeaterBloc #Anarchy :goose_star:
#Anarchy #HeaterBloc #folkpunk #crunk #oi #deadprincess #cruststep
"The present social organisation is not just delaying, it is also preventing and corrupting any practice of freedom. The only way to learn what freedom is, is to experiment it, and to do so you must have the necessary time and space."
from "At Daggers Drawn with the Existent, its Defenders and its False Critics"
This is despicable. Octopus farming should be banned. https://theconversation.com/why-the-ethics-of-octopus-farming-is-so-troubling-202012#Echobox=1679503721
#vegan #anticonsumption #anarchy #solarpunk #farming #unethical
#vegan #AntiConsumption #Anarchy #solarpunk #farming #unethical
It's truly baffling to me, how uninformed people are in the topic of #anarchism. Like, everytime I expose myself as one to my #collegues at #University of #workplace, they are either very sceptic in bad faith or outright shocked. The first ones like to ask questions like "how would you collapse system", "how would you stop another state from forming" etc., while the second are like "but it's chaos!" or "you're gonna eat my babies!". No, I won't, you fucking dumbass. I just want you and me to have a significant bearing on #politics and have as much #freedom and #liberty as possible.
We, the #anarchists really have to get our shit together and explain to casual guilos, that we are on their side and that #anarchy is not mad max or senseless destruction - we need to get the message through that modern #anarchy is all about being a small rough stone in a #machine that eats everything and everyone involved in it.
We seriously need to make anarchism scary to it's opponents and alluring to the ones interested in change.
Otherwise we're all fucking dead in 15 years.
#anarchism #collegues #university #workplace #politics #freedom #liberty #anarchists #Anarchy #machine
Australian dairy company Bega now has a dairy free cheese available. Do you buy it? If you do, you're supporting a company that makes most of its money through animal abuse, even if this particular product doesn't contain milk. Does the argument that if enough people switch, overall fewer cows will suffer hold weight? Vast majority of products you buy in a supermarket are from problematic companies with questionable ethics. #vegan #anticonsumption #anarchy #solarpunk
#vegan #AntiConsumption #Anarchy #solarpunk