Today a new character appeared in my mind for later pages of my #webcomic #LordofSouls.
Since my Story plays out in an alternate reality of ancient egypt i can switch regents as i please.
Someone who has in my mind the name of "White Queen" is now in first design stages.
Since my knowlegde of the ancien egyptian language is very bad: i need help for find a fitting name for her.
Her Vitiligo can be in her name in the form that she unites two things/gods
#ancienEgypt #Kemetism
#kemetism #AncienEgypt #LordOfSouls #webcomic
Doing some sketchwork even with my slow pace at the moment. Every strike counts, am i right?
Panos first time in all his bodily glory. At least in the story that is.
#ComicArt #ComicArtist #MastoArt #Artist #WIP #LordOfSouls #LordOfSoulsWebcomic
#ancienEgypt #KemeticStory #Panos
#panos #kemeticstory #AncienEgypt #lordofsoulswebcomic #LordOfSouls #wip #artist #MastoArt #comicartist #comicart