DeSantis Wants Apology From Andrea Mitchell, Cancels NBC/MSNBC
The office of the Florida governor has announced it will cancel "boycott" NBC and MSNBC after Andrea Mitchell interviewed VP Kamala Harris and asked her what Ron DeSantis didn't know about Black history and the Black experience.
#ThePress #AndreaMitchell #KamalaHarris #RonDeSantis
#thepress #AndreaMitchell #kamalaharris #rondesantis
Exclusive interview with Vice President Kamala Harris on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports
#MVP #KamalaHarris #VP
#VPHarris #Interview
#AndreaMitchell #msnbc
#khive @khive
#mvp #kamalaharris #vp #vpharris #Interview #AndreaMitchell #msnbc #khive
#andreamitchell chyron: “Biden under fire for lack of transparency after multiple mystery objects shot down.”
I am so effing tired of this false MSM narrative.
They claimed this yesterday before wreckage was even collected. And John Kirby gave another press briefing this very morning, in addition to interviews. Gen. Austin had a press briefing yesterday too.
Lack of transparency is when spy balloons transverse the US 3 times and no one ever reports it at all. (The Trump admin).
My lord, will @msnbc PLEASE get #AndreaMitchell off the air. Her interviews are complete train wrecks. #TrainWreck #msnbc
#AndreaMitchell #TrainWreck #msnbc
Am I the only person that thinks #AndreaMitchell is positively giddy at the thought of being able to #bothsides classified documents?
@mitchellreports, "You want to pick that up?
@HallieJackson @KatyOnMSNBNBC @KatyTur They look so sad.
😆😆😆😆😆😆 when are they retiring #andreamitchell?
@mitchellreports, "You want to pick that up?
@HallieJackson @KatyOnMSNBNBC @KatyTur They look so sad.
😆😆😆😆😆😆 when are they retiring #andreamitchell?