๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalMixtape
Jocelyn Pook, Andreas Scholl, Siobhรกn Armstrong, Elizabeth Kenny & Baroque String Quartet:
๐ต How sweet the moonlight (The Merchant of Venice)
#JocelynPook #AndreasScholl #SiobhรกnArmstrong #ElizabethKenny #BaroqueStringQuartet
#nowplaying #classicalmixtape #jocelynpook #AndreasScholl #siobhanarmstrong #elizabethkenny #baroquestringquartet
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Andreas Scholl, Barbara Bonney, Les Talens Lyriques & Christophe Rousset:
๐ต Stabat mater dolorosa (Stabat mater in F minor)
#nowplaying #breakfast #AndreasScholl
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #TheEarlyMusicShow
George Frideric Handel, Andreas Scholl, Accademia Bizantina & Ottavio Dantone:
๐ต Dove sei, amato bene (Rodelinda)
#nowplaying #TheEarlyMusicShow #GeorgeFridericHandel #AndreasScholl #OttavioDantone
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Trรคd, Edin Karamazov, Stacey Shames, Andreas Scholl & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra:
๐ต I will give my love an apple
#Trรคd #EdinKaramazov #StaceyShames #AndreasScholl #OrpheusChamberOrchestra
#nowplaying #breakfast #trad #edinkaramazov #staceyshames #AndreasScholl #OrpheusChamberOrchestra
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InsideMusic
Johann Sebastian Bach, Rainer Zipperling, Andreas Scholl, Collegium Vocale Gent & Philippe Herreweghe:
๐ต Es ist vollbracht (St John Passion, BWV 245)
#JohannSebastianBach #RainerZipperling #AndreasScholl #CollegiumVocaleGent
#nowplaying #InsideMusic #johannsebastianbach #rainerzipperling #AndreasScholl #collegiumvocalegent
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
George Frideric Handel, Andreas Scholl, Gabrieli Players & Paul McCreesh:
๐ต Saul: "O Lord, whose mercies numberless"
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #GeorgeFridericHandel #AndreasScholl #PaulMcCreesh
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
George Frideric Handel, Andreas Scholl & Academy for Ancient Music Berlin:
๐ต Va tacito (Giulio Cesare)
#GeorgeFridericHandel #AndreasScholl #AcademyforAncientMusicBerlin
#nowplaying #intune #GeorgeFridericHandel #AndreasScholl #AcademyforAncientMusicBerlin
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalMixtape
ืืื ื ืจืืืจ, Andreas Scholl, Clara Scholl, Maya Halperin & Yonathan Geffen:
๐ต Good Night
#ืืื ืืจืืืจ #AndreasScholl #ClaraScholl #MayaHalperin #YonathanGeffen
#nowplaying #classicalmixtape #ืืื ืืจืืืจ #AndreasScholl #clarascholl #mayahalperin #yonathangeffen
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Jocelyn Pook, Andreas Scholl, Siobhรกn Armstrong, Elizabeth Kenny & Baroque String Quartet:
๐ต How sweet the moonlight (The Merchant of Venice)
#JocelynPook #AndreasScholl #SiobhรกnArmstrong #ElizabethKenny
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #jocelynpook #AndreasScholl #siobhanarmstrong #elizabethkenny
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Andreas Scholl, Barbara Bonney, Les Talens Lyriques & Christophe Rousset:
๐ต Stabat mater dolorosa (Stabat mater in F minor)
#nowplaying #breakfast #AndreasScholl
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Antonio Vivaldi, Andreas Scholl, Ensemble 415 & Chiara Banchini:
๐ต Stabat mater, RV 621
#AntonioVivaldi #AndreasScholl #Ensemble415 #ChiaraBanchini
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#nowplaying #intune #AntonioVivaldi #AndreasScholl #Ensemble415 #ChiaraBanchini
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalMixtape
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Andreas Scholl, Barbara Bonney, Les Talens Lyriques & Christophe Rousset:
๐ต Stabat mater dolorosa (Stabat mater in F minor)
#nowplaying #classicalmixtape #AndreasScholl
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
George Frideric Handel, Andreas Scholl & Academy for Ancient Music Berlin:
๐ต Va tacito (Giulio Cesare)
#GeorgeFridericHandel #AndreasScholl #AcademyforAncientMusicBerlin
#nowplaying #breakfast #GeorgeFridericHandel #AndreasScholl #AcademyforAncientMusicBerlin
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #TheEarlyMusicShow
Oswald von Wolkenstein, Andreas Scholl, Shield of Harmony & Crawford Young:
๐ต Durch Barbarei, Arabia
#OswaldvonWolkenstein #AndreasScholl #ShieldofHarmony #CrawfordYoung
#nowplaying #TheEarlyMusicShow #OswaldvonWolkenstein #AndreasScholl #ShieldofHarmony #CrawfordYoung
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Henry Purcell, Stefano Montanari, Andreas Scholl & Accademia Bizantina:
๐ต What Power art thou? (King Arthur, or The British Worthy)
#HenryPurcell #StefanoMontanari #AndreasScholl #AccademiaBizantina
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #HenryPurcell #StefanoMontanari #AndreasScholl #AccademiaBizantina
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #TheEarlyMusicShow
George Frideric Handel, Andreas Scholl & Academy for Ancient Music Berlin:
๐ต Serse - Ombra mai fu
#GeorgeFridericHandel #AndreasScholl #AcademyforAncientMusicBerlin
#nowplaying #TheEarlyMusicShow #GeorgeFridericHandel #AndreasScholl #AcademyforAncientMusicBerlin
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Henry Purcell, Andreas Scholl, Accademia Bizantina & Stefano Montanari:
๐ต Fairest isle (King Arthur)
#HenryPurcell #AndreasScholl #AccademiaBizantina #StefanoMontanari
#nowplaying #intune #HenryPurcell #AndreasScholl #AccademiaBizantina #StefanoMontanari
๐ #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Johann Sebastian Bach, Julia Schrรถder, Andreas Scholl & Kammerorchester Basel:
๐ต Ich habe genug (Cantata No 82)
#JohannSebastianBach #JuliaSchrรถder #AndreasScholl #KammerorchesterBasel
#nowplaying #breakfast #johannsebastianbach #juliaschroder #AndreasScholl #kammerorchesterbasel