July 24, 2023
The Church Of Leonard Leo
The Supreme Court’s dark-money operative bought a church near his tony summer home, where neighbors are protesting his political crusade.
Andrew Perez
#RomanCatholic #Christofascist #lawyer #LeonardLeo #FederalistSociety #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #MAGA #GOP #MitchMcConnell #NortheastHarbor #MountDesert #Maine #church #SacredSpacesFoundation #LeverNews #AndrewPerez
#mountdesert #northeastharbor #SupremeCourt #AndrewPerez #levernews #sacredspacesfoundation #church #maine #mitchmcconnell #gop #MAGA #SCOTUS #federalistsociety #LeonardLeo #lawyer #christofascist #romancatholic
> #AndrewPerez of #TheLever about what #Ohio’s elections mean for the future of the #DemocraticParty if it actively suppresses candidates like Turner who are critical of the establishment.. majority #DemocraticCongress and.. president have not delivered on campaign promises.. student debt.. Roe v. Wade.. #BuildBackBetter, the party will be in jeopardy in the upcoming elections, says Perez.
#USA #elections #NinaTurner #CorporateDemocrats #StudentDebt
#studentdebt #corporatedemocrats #ninaturner #elections #usa #buildbackbetter #DemocraticCongress #democraticparty #ohio #TheLever #AndrewPerez