#AndyGarcia, on holding tight to what you love:
“I never thought about giving up on #acting. This is my passion, my life’s work. And I’ve had tremendous experiences, and I’ve worked with people I admire: #AlPacino, #SeanConnery, #DustinHoffman, #RobertDeNiro.
Nothing is handed to you, and I’m certainly not #coasting. But I’ve been so #blessed to accomplish my #dreams.”
#peoplemagazine #dreams #blessed #coasting #robertdeniro #DustinHoffman #seanconnery #AlPacino #acting #AndyGarcia
#AndyGarcia on losing friend #RayLiotta, who he’d known for 40+ years:
“He was the truest friend and a sublime actor…
He was my age, and when a friend like Ray passes, the aspect of #mortality presents itself and looks you face-to-face.”
#PeopleMagazine, “losing a friend is a difficult reminder of life’s brevity”
#peoplemagazine #mortality #rayliotta #AndyGarcia
#AndyGarcia on being #typecast:
“Listen, it’s great to be typecast because that means you’re working. But it’s hard to break the image.”
#peoplemagazine #typecast #AndyGarcia
Father of The Bride’s Adria Arjona Received A ‘Special Message’ From Kimberly Williams-Paisley – Read It Here! | Adria Arjona, Andy Garcia, Casey Thomas Brown, Chloe Fineman, Diego Boneta, Gary Alazraki, Gloria Estefan : Just Jared #AdriaArjona #AndyGarcia #GloriaEstefan #DiegoBoneta #ChloeFineman #CaseyThomasBrown #JonHuertas #OscarNunez #SofiaMilos #EdwardJamesOlmos #KimberlyWilliamsPaisley #GaryAlazraki #JJLinksAroundTheWeb #7giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuanVzdGphcmVkLmNvbS8yMDIyLzA2LzA2L2ZhdGhlci1vZi10aGUtYnJpZGVzLWFkcmlhLWFyam9uYS1yZWNlaXZlZC1hLXNwZWNpYWwtbWVzc2FnZS1mcm9tLWtpbWJlcmx5LXdpbGxpYW1zLXBhaXNsZXktcmVhZC1pdC1oZXJlLw==
#7giugno #JJLinksAroundTheWeb #GaryAlazraki #KimberlyWilliamsPaisley #EdwardJamesOlmos #SofiaMilos #OscarNunez #JonHuertas #CaseyThomasBrown #ChloeFineman #DiegoBoneta #gloriaestefan #AndyGarcia #AdriaArjona