The latest #SwearyHistory :
#RosalindFranklin and the sequencing of DNA -
reminded me instantly of two books that were quite eye-opening (for me, cos, y’know, it was a very long time ago that I was MUCH younger…)
#WomenOfIdeasAndWhatMenHaveDoneToThem (From Aphra Behn To Adrienne Rich) by Dale Spender 1982 - it only SEEMS like white males are the greatest achievers cos they “own” the credit for a lot of stuff others have done… and who knew e.g. English Suffragettes had to fight for the vote cos women’s right to vote had been deliberately taken away 🤔 - a bit like Roe v Wade and shit happening in the U.S. now and coming soon to a country near you … Women if Ideas has a cast of mostly white people, but at least of the female variety
and #WomenRaceAndClass by #AngelaDavis 1981 - it only SEEMS like “some” white people have helped People of Colour cos they “own” the credit for stuff a lot of People Of Colour did for themselves (and in spite of white people like Susan B Anthony) - a discussion of how class and race are mutually interdependent (before Kimberlé Crenshaw’s term “intersectionality” challenged reductionist thinking, and before I learned Indigenous peoples have been thinking holistically since forever)
anyway, if this Sweary History was printed on paper like in the olden days i would cut it out and slip it into my copy of Women of Ideas, but it isn’t, and I can’t, so guess I’ll just Toot about it
#reading #swearyhistory #RosalindFranklin #womenofideasandwhatmenhavedonetothem #womenraceandclass #AngelaDavis
#AngelaDavis on #FreedomIsAConstantStruggle “as we know, you know, given the continued influence of capitalism, #RacialCapitalism, the real changes that we need in order to create better lives for people, not only in this country but all over the world, are still to come.”
#AngelaDavis #freedomisaconstantstruggle #RacialCapitalism
#AngelaDavis in Rockland County the home of her friend and editor, the late great novelist #ToniMorrison, who wrote the introduction to her biography, “I think every day about the fact that I am associated with a people who have refused to give up, after centuries and centuries. Not only that — not only that, but who have created beauty in the process of #struggling.”
#AngelaDavis #tonimorrison #struggling
#AngelaDavis on #NewMcCarthyism: “importance of recognizing that through struggle, through #OrganizedStruggle, through the efforts of people who come together and join hands and join their voices together, we’ve made changes in this country.”
#AngelaDavis #newmccarthyism #organizedstruggle
found this amazing 1973 gem after watching - please watch this panel which includes #AngelaDavis
the problems and needs they describe are still here - a lot of work to do still.
When students read #TressieMcMillanCottom (who I deeply miss from the birdsite), so many good things happen. This morning, I am celebrating a draft that includes an #epigraph (yay, epigraphs!) from #AngelaDavis. #amteaching
#tressiemcmillancottom #epigraph #AngelaDavis #amteaching
#AngelaDavis “If those who were touched by [#BillieHoliday’s]‘#StrangeFruit’ were left feeling pity for Black victims of #racism, instead of compassion and solidarity, this pity would have recapitulated rather than contested the dynamics of racism. It would have affirmed rather than disputed the superior position of #whiteness.”
#AngelaDavis #billieholiday #StrangeFruit #racism #whiteness
As #AngelaDavis suggests…imagine trying to interpret a #BillieHoliday song exclusively through a transcript of the words she sings
“Who, we must ask in this interpretation, is the trickster, and who is made the fool?” asks #AngelaDavis
I worry about the flight from interpretation I see in some parts of #MedMastodon’s embrace of an approach to #qualitative scholarship that is often mere counting + cataloging of utterances, rather than a deep engagement w meaning in context
#AngelaDavis #MedMastodon #qualitative
#AngelaDavis’ critique of those who criticize people not being #political—and thereby ignoring the institutional structures necessary for such political action to be safe let alone effective—is fantastic
#AngelaDavis #political #BluesLegacies
July, 1927, when the KKK tried to disrupt a Bessie Smith performance…
As with any #AngelaDavis, there is a lot going on there, but I am particularly struck by “expressive communal channels of relief”
“The blues was threatening not primarily because it was secular;… #Blues was threatening because its spokesman and its ritual too frequently provided the expressive communal channels of relief that had been largely the province of religion in the past”
Levine quoted in #AngelaDavis #BluesLegaciesAndBlackFeminism
#blues #AngelaDavis #BluesLegaciesAndBlackFeminism
Referenced link:
Originally posted by junge Welt /
» #AngelaDavis kommt einen langen Weg aus den USA hier her, um uns ihre Solidarität zu zeigen. Was ist mit Euch? Wann kämpft ihr für den #OPlatz und für die Rechte von Menschen auf der Flucht?«
Jennifer Kamau, »International Women* Space« e. V.
Originally posted by junge Welt /
»Es ist inspirierend, wieder hier zu sein und sich an die Geflüchtetenbewegung vor 10 Jahren zu erinnern«
Angela Davis, US-Bürgerrechtlerin, spricht heute um 18 Uhr auf dem #Orianienplatz.
Foto: @AnnuschkaZ
#Orianienplatz #b0610 #AngelaDavis #Oplatzturns10
Hat hier schon wer erwähnt, dass #AngelaDavis am 6. Oktober um 10 Uhr zu den #Oplatz-Protesten nach #Berlin kommt? :blobcatsunglasses:
#oplatzlebt #berlin #oplatz #AngelaDavis
Il Nicaragua senza parole
Gli inquilini di El Carmen contro La Prensa.
di Bái Qiú’ēn
Il Nicaragua è decisamente un Paese che continua a stupire, assai più del mago Silvan.
«Oggi, venerdì 13 agosto 2021, la Polizia Nazionale
#bottegadelbarbieri #labottegadelbarbieri
#Finestralatino-americana #AngelaDavis #BáiQiú’ēn #EditorialeLaPrensaSociedadAnónima #ElNuevoDiario #FreiBetto #FSLN #LaPrensa #Nicaragua #NoamChomsky
#noamchomsky #nicaragua #LaPrensa #FSLN #FreiBetto #ElNuevoDiario #EditorialeLaPrensaSociedadAnónima #BáiQiú #AngelaDavis #Finestralatino #labottegadelbarbieri #bottegadelbarbieri