#FirekeepersDaughter by #AngelineBoulley was nothing like I expected! To be fair, I never bothered to read the blurb, but I'm also not sure that could ever have done this book justice. I was on the edge of my seat for quite a bit of it. Now I understand why everyone was talking about this one last year.
#AmReading #bookstodon #reading @bookstodon #IndigenousStories #IndigenousAuthors
#FirekeepersDaughter #AngelineBoulley #amreading #bookstodon #reading #indigenousstories #indigenousauthors
@CanICallYouSchmitty I don't read just one book either. Currently, I'm actively reading 6:
#Paradise by #ToniMorrison
#MrFox by #HelenOyeyemi
#TheColorPurple by #AliceWalker
#TheFireKeepersDaughter by #AngelineBoulley
#Uglies by #ScottWesterfeld
#paradise #tonimorrison #mrfox #helenoyeyemi #TheColorPurple #alicewalker #thefirekeepersdaughter #AngelineBoulley #uglies #scottwesterfeld
Hab in der #Buchhandlung gefragt, welche Bücher VON #NativeAmericans sie denn habe.
Hab dann #FirekeepersDaughter von #AngelineBoulley empfohlen bekommen und gekauft.
#buchhandlung #nativeamericans #FirekeepersDaughter #AngelineBoulley #amreading