17 year old Jack Russell aka my not only managed to walk around the outskirts of the rugby field in 80% humidity, as we approached home we saw his friends, so went on a 20 min walk with them too 🐢

#AngeloTheJrt #UtterFreakingDelight

Last updated 2 years ago

Sharing my joy, because is such an and at 17, needs all his gorgeous happy moments celebrated

#AngeloTheJrt #UtterFreakingDelight #dogsofmastodon #dogs

Last updated 2 years ago

Mōrena! Been awake since 5.15 thanks to I’m still snuggled in under the covers as climbed in to my arms for a cuddle just after 7 for Sunday Snugs. Looking forward to coffee sometime.

#chronicpain #AngeloTheJrt

Last updated 2 years ago

2800 words, less than planned, however I’m editing as I go for once. Still in my sausage dog pjs pants, I’ve had gorgeous β€˜project manager’ check ins by more times than I can count, fuelled on coffee, various playlists, 3 litres of water, a cheese quesadilla, sunshine, wind, and occasional Tui flybys. Table Umbrella is about to go flying and dog needs to go walking. A good day despite the slow, possible concussion, mind.
Yes I’m a dork face. Hi Bye!


Last updated 2 years ago

Walking and the air down part of my street smells like Juicy Fruit Gum.


Last updated 2 years ago

Late night

Finding people to follow on around this lil globe
walk with a friend
My fabulous Therapist
Being able to take a and actually sleep
A lil weeknight
Lil bits of love from friends I’ve met and have not met
Roof over my head, soft comfy bed, food in my belly, a hot shower, clean clothes.
OH and hugs.

My moxi

#gratitude #masto #dog #nap #whiskey #AngeloTheJrt

Last updated 2 years ago

I wish you could all experience the joy my dogchild had at my Osteopath’s today. Gorgeous greets n rubs from Receptions and my Osteo, they happily let him sniff out each room, staff smiling as he checked out the staff room. Of course he was a good boy during my treatment, aside from licking the carpet 🀣
. . .

#AngeloTheJrt #Utter #Fecking #Delight

Last updated 2 years ago

Today I’m following people who have the hashtag because dogs are the best form of everything pure in the world, bringing people together one tail wag at a time

#dogsofmastodon #dogs #mydog #AngeloTheJrt

Last updated 2 years ago

Is a thing? Because as my very best joy, deserves his fair share of my toot limelight.

#dogsofmasto #AngeloTheJrt #dogs #dog #JackRussellTerrier #jrt

Last updated 2 years ago