Postcard of Angels Flight at night (1910), courtesy of LMU Library's Werner von Boltenstern Postcard Collection: #LosAngeles #AngelsFlight
Timelapse: #AngelsFlight – Inside the Station House.
Yesterday I found this used martini glass in the #AngelsFlight water fountain. So I cleaned it up and used it as a pedestal for Penguini, one of the Station House's lego creations.
Susan snapped me at the Arch before and in the Station House during our staged passenger evacuation drills Sunday at #AngelsFlight
Had the privilege yesterday of taking the written directions I'd read a dozen times and putting them into action via participation in simulated shutdowns and evacuation drills -- including the not-easy task transporting an incapicated passenger -- at #AngelsFlight with #LAFD. The realistic activities caught many passersby by surprise.
The machinery and I match... The new bow strategically-hued bow tie I ordered arrived in time for today's #AngelsFlight (rain-soaked) shift. And yeah, the boater hat (that I've never worn in the 25 years I've had it until AF's 121st Birthday last New Year's Eve) has become part of my uniform -- and I'm thinking about having a matching hatband made. And no, I am not 25% of some unsung barbershop quartet. #OrangeAndBlackJack #1901ForLyfe
#1901ForLyfe #OrangeAndBlackJack #AngelsFlight
In honor of #AngelsFlight's 121st birthday, I hauled out and wore during my shift today a bygone era-appropriate straw boater hat my mom got for me probably more than 25 years ago that I have NEVER EVER worn.
I had hoped to pair it with a bow tie (that I also never wear), but the three hours I spent last night failing to learn how to tie one of them infernal things, negated that ambition.
It's only about 15-20 minutes of my shift as an #AngelsFlight operator, but beyond it being a simple duty to tidy up each car, I look at the chore as a way to pay my respects to Sinai and Olivet. Freshly swept and cleaned, The burnished luster of their interiors is little changed from more than a century ago and speaks to that history, one taken too often for granted. Not by me.