🎬 #AngelsInAmerica (2003) | #AlPacino's #RoyCohn-ish atty in his doctor's office denies being a cock-fan and having #AIDS. He threatens Doc with ruin if he doesn't go along. The scene captures ReganAmerica's response to #AIDS perfectly.
Denial, omertà, threats.
That intolerance killed my friend Stan. He was a Capitol Hill senior staffer, a Democrat, but felt he had to hide his diagnosis and disease. That stress and pressure killed his immune system, so him.
Prejudice kills in unseen ways.
#aids #roycohn #AlPacino #AngelsInAmerica
🎵 Saying farewell to 2022, slowly. ... #1 #angelsinamerica
#ThomasNewman #soundtracks
#AngelsInAmerica #thomasnewman #soundtracks
🎵 Saying farewell to 2022, slowly. ... #2 #angelsinamerica
Thomas Newman - The Great Work Begins (End Title)
The Bethesda fountain was originally built to celebrate the arrival of the Croton aqueduct (fresh water) to NYC in 1842, eradicating an epidemic of cholera in the city. Built during the civil war, the commission for an angel sculpture was given to Emma Stebbins, a local lesbian sculptor who modeled the Angel Bethesda after her lover at the time Charlotte Cushman. This was and is a *huge* deal. Bethesda would later appear in #AngelsInAmerica, Tony Kushner’s story about the #HIV #AIDS pandemic.
@cindycrum I KNOW, right? If you were alive in the #1980s you remember how #HIV was used to vilify #GayMen. It was horrible & ravaged their community all while they were treated as lepers & freaks. #Tragedy personified. I don't know if you've ever read the books or watched #AngelsInAmerica by #TonyKushner but it was #profound. If you're ever interested in seeing it, #HBO made a phenomenal series out of it. #LGBTQ+ https://bit.ly/3OXbqTk
#lgbtq #hbo #profound #TonyKushner #AngelsInAmerica #tragedy #gaymen #hiv #1980s
@danwentzel I've never seen The Inheritance -- if I ever get the chance to do so, I definitely will. I agree about Angels in America being one of the masters -- it was super intense, moving and unforgettable. #gay #AngelsInAmerica #TheInheritance
#gay #AngelsInAmerica #theinheritance
Today's extract from my #AngelsinAmerica book is a deep dive on Louis...my favorite character to write about, and one of the many deep dives into character, queer representation and more I do in the book.
Day 2 of extracts from my #AngelsInAmerica book...today a look at the play's staging of AIDS.
40% discount via the link in the blog!
A special blog series this week...sharing extracts from my #AngelsinAmerica book. Day one looks at the background to the original
The book is currently available at 40% off direct from the publishers too!
#queerwriting #theatre #academics #theatreacademics #AngelsinAmerica #gaytheatre #AIDS
#aids #gaytheatre #theatreacademics #academics #theatre #queerwriting #AngelsInAmerica
A reminder that my #AngelsinAmerica book is available 40% for another few days code HOLIDAY22
#Theatre #QueerWriting #Academics
#academics #queerwriting #theatre #AngelsInAmerica
Happy Monday and a little #books promotion from me.
My newest book about Tony Kushner's seminal play #AngelsinAmerica is out now!
Charting the relationship with Britain's #NationalTheatre and its place in the #AIDS pandemic.
Any #Theatre #Academics out there I'd love if you ordered it for your library.
#academics #theatre #aids #nationaltheatre #AngelsInAmerica #Books
#韩国话剧 #AngelsinAmerica 下半部
郑敬淏 金世焕 金宝娜 郑焕
朴止一 朴龙宇 全国香 全恩惠
演出时间统一为晚五点半至十点,因此抢票比上次轻松了不少。我只顾盯着二等票抢,到现场才发现是一楼倒数第二排,好在总体视野还不错,离舞台也近。上部有不少观众反映台词听不懂,于是这次两边的LED屏幕由播放英文字幕改为韩文字幕,对剧情理解的确有很大帮助,但需要不断提醒自己不能被字幕所诱惑 :aru_0171:
上部剧情已经忘得差不多了,体感上台词量和尺度比上部大,笑点也多了不少(中间区有位阿姨接连不断的笑声非常突兀 :aru_0520: )叙事虽然承接上部,但总体风格偏轻松。最明显的区别在于舞台中心旋转区少了三道隔断墙,一开始简直像两部戏;灯光和音效设计(天使降临)也比上部更加丰富。
每一位演员都极其出色。郑敬淏的病态、傲娇,金世焕的理性和崩溃,朴止一的服从和返老还童,全国香内敛的疯癫和金宝娜外放的疯癫,朴龙宇的才气和全恩惠的神秘和帅气,郑焕的细心Gay共和党员律师罗伊情夫的超复合型身份,以及倒数第四场天使降临的群戏…… 感谢各位演员的努力,感谢导演的眼光,感谢舞美设计师、造型师、化妆师等各位工作人员,感谢Tony Kushner :ablobmeltsoblove:
#韩国话剧 #AngelsinAmerica 下半部
郑敬淏 金世焕 金宝娜 郑焕
朴止一 朴龙宇 全国香 全恩惠
演出时间统一为晚五点半至十点,因此抢票比上次轻松了不少。我只顾盯着二等票抢,到现场才发现是一楼倒数第二排,好在总体视野还不错,离舞台也近。上部有不少观众反映台词听不懂,于是这次两边的LED屏幕由播放英文字幕改为韩文字幕,对剧情理解的确有很大帮助,但需要不断提醒自己不能被字幕所诱惑 :aru_0171:
上部剧情已经忘得差不多了,体感上台词量和尺度比上部大,笑点也多了不少(中间区有位阿姨接连不断的笑声非常突兀 :aru_0520: )叙事虽然承接上部,但总体风格偏轻松。最明显的区别在于舞台中心旋转区少了三道隔断墙,一开始简直像两部戏;灯光和音效设计(天使降临)也比上部更加丰富。
每一位演员都极其出色。郑敬淏的病态、傲娇,金世焕的理性和崩溃,朴止一的服从和返老还童,全国香内敛的疯癫和金宝娜外放的疯癫,朴龙宇的才气和全恩惠的神秘和帅气,郑焕的细心Gay共和党员律师罗伊情夫的超复合型身份,以及倒数第四场天使降临的群戏…… 感谢各位演员的努力,感谢导演的眼光,感谢舞美设计师、造型师、化妆师等各位工作人员,感谢Tony Kushner :ablobmeltsoblove:
#AngelsInAmerica 韩版信息
导演:申佑清(《Unchian》《Vincent Lover》,2020百想戏剧奖)
朴止一 饰 Roy (中央大戏剧硕士)
全国香 饰 Hanna (韩艺综戏剧系、13-15年首尔戏剧协会副会长)
郑敬淏 饰 Prior(中央大戏剧系)
金宝娜 饰 Harper
全恩惠 饰 天使
郑焕 饰 Joe Pitt
金世翰 饰 Louis Ironson
朴龙宇 饰 Belize(朴止一儿子、国立剧团团员)