Boosting everything I see on #Behaviour2023 ; bring it on! Much enjoying living the conference vicariously, enjoy the meeting to those in Bielefeld! @behaviour2023 #AnimalBehavior #AnimalCognition #AnimalBehaviour #TeamChicken
#behaviour2023 #AnimalBehavior #AnimalCognition #AnimalBehaviour #teamchicken
Over on the bird site, the Animal Behavior Society Twitter Conference is about to start! From tomorrow, animal behaviour scientists from around the world will be introducing their work in threads; this is an excellent piece of #SciComm and highly inclusive in getting science out to all parts of the world. I wish it was here and not twitter, but I'm following there and will re-post some here.
#AnimalBehavior #AnimalBehaviour
#scicomm #AnimalBehavior #AnimalBehaviour