"Instead of endorsing this broken system, we need to support farmers and fishing communities in a transition to a food system that works for us all. A plant-based food system that would feed more people using far less land, freeing up space for crucial rewilding to drawn-down carbon from the atmosphere and reverse biodiversity loss.”
Animal Rebellion Spokesperson,
Commenting after they targetted Michelin starred restaurant Mana, Manchester, U.K.
The seriously majestic #Jaguar is a #bigcat living in central/ #SouthAmerica. They are #NearThreatened from #deforestation for #soy #meat #palmoil and illegal #poaching. Help them each time you shop and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife https://palmoildetectives.com/2022/08/28/jaguar-panthera-onca/ via @palmoildetectives
#Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveSoil #BanPalmOil #vegan #ClimateActionNow #AnimalRebellion #crisiclimàtica #justciaanimal #boicotearelaceitedepalma #Palmölboykottieren
#jaguar #bigcat #southamerica #nearthreatened #deforestation #Soy #meat #palmoil #poaching #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveSoil #BanPalmOil #vegan #climateactionnow #AnimalRebellion #crisiclimàtica #justciaanimal #boicotearelaceitedepalma #Palmölboykottieren