Some obstructions of justice are procedural, seemingly legal.
'Biden’s federal appointments stall in Mississippi, other southern states'
#MississippiToday #AnnaWolfe
#JoeBiden #TateR
#TrentLott #PublicCorruption
#RogerWicker #TheWickerMan
#CindyHydeSmith #MinniePearl
#mississippitoday #joebiden #minniepearl #AnnaWolfe #thewickerman #tater #CindyHydeSmith #trentlott #PublicCorruption #RogerWicker
Some obstructions of justice are procedural, seemingly legal.
'Biden’s federal appointments stall in Mississippi, other southern states'
#MississippiToday #AnnaWolfe #JoeBiden #TateR
#TrentLott #PublicCorruption
#RogerWicker #TheWickerMan
#CindyHydeSmith #MinniePearl
#mississippitoday #joebiden #CindyHydeSmith #AnnaWolfe #tater #trentlott #PublicCorruption #RogerWicker #thewickerman #minniepearl
#BrettFarve complains that his star power shields other bad actors from scrutiny, while keeping #PublicCorruption in the public eye.
A tip of the hat to #AnnaWolfe, the "Woodward & Bernstein" of #Mississippi.
#PublicCorruption #AnnaWolfe #mississippi #PrisonersDilemma #BrettFarve