Today's poem:
Short Talk on Pain
- by Anne Carson
#AnneCarson #poetry #landscape #colour #metaphor
#13books that I think about often:
#OliverSacks Musicophilia
#WillAitken Antigone Undone: #JulietteBinoche, #AnneCarson, #IvoVanHove, and the Art of Resistance
#NickCave, And the Ass Saw the Angel
#MarkZDanielewski House of Leaves
#UmbertoEco The Island of the Day Before
#HermannHesse Glass Bead Game
#PatrickMcCabe Poguemahone
#NealStephenson Anathem
#HalldorLaxness Under the Glacier
#CanXue Frontier
#JohnDarnielle x2: Universal Harvester, Master of Reality
#MaggieRowe Sin Bravely
#maggierowe #johndarnielle #canxue #halldorlaxness #nealstephenson #patrickmccabe #hermannhesse #umbertoeco #markzdanielewski #nickcave #ivovanhove #AnneCarson #JulietteBinoche #willaitken #oliversacks #13books
Top book of 2024 watch - Dayspring by #AnthonyOliveira (April 2024)
"Oliveira brings to vibrant, glorious life the gospel according to the disciple Christ loved—his companion in the days before the crucifixion, the only instrument that remembers with fidelity his sound. Sacred, profane, and rich with explicit desire and a poetic attention to form...Seamlessly blending fiction, memoir, and verse in the exhilarating tradition of #AnneCarson and #MadelineMiller ..."
#queerlit #bookstodon #MadelineMiller #AnneCarson #anthonyoliveira
I've somehow convinced myself that I need to reread at least the first 3 #AnneOfGreenGables books, a scholarly monograph on #Sappho, a new translation and commentary on my old thesis topic, and some collection of essays on #AnneCarson before I get proceed any further on #writing my potential book. Okay, fine, sure. Guess I'm doing this the hard way...
#writing #AnneCarson #sappho #anneofgreengables
I think I’m going to need to purposely read this book slowly. It’s so my jam, mixing meta comments about Greek/Latin grammar and crossing the barrier between fiction and nonfiction while being written very poetically. Sort of like a cross between #AnneCarson, #ReneeGladman, and a class on feminist art/literature. #bookstodon
#bookstodon #reneegladman #AnneCarson
El día de ayer Monterrey se vistió de gala al recibir a la gran poeta canadiense #AnneCarson en la Universidad de Monterrey #UdeM con el apoyo de #VasoRotoEditores de #JeanetteLClariond les comparto el video si desean conocerla escudar su lectura.
#TexturasYSombras #Poetas #Mujeres #Escritoras
#AnneCarson #udem #vasorotoeditores #jeanettelclariond #texturasysombras #poetas #mujeres #escritoras
My twenty-something students and video stores like the one in Anne Carson’s “Autobiography of Red” (1998). #111Words #AnneCarson #AutobiographyOfRed #VideoStores
#videostores #autobiographyofred #AnneCarson #111words
Going to the video store in Anne Carson’s “Autobiography of Red” (1998). #111Words #AnneCarson #AutobiographyOfRed #Geryon #Herakles #VerseNovel #VideoStore
#videostore #versenovel #Herakles #Geryon #autobiographyofred #AnneCarson #111words
Doing the #bookstodon 7 books to know me thing:
#LucyMaudMontgomery, Anne of Green Gables
#AnneCarson / #Sappho, If Not, Winter
#MarciaDouglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread
#HermannHesse, Glass Bead Game
#ItaloCalvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler
#RodrigoFresán, The Invented/Dreamed/Remembered Part trilogy
#JennyHval, Girls Against God
#bookstodon #lucymaudmontgomery #AnneCarson #Sappho #marciadouglas #hermannhesse #ItaloCalvino #rodrigofresan #jennyhval
Doing the #bookstodon 7 books to know me thing:
#LucyMaudMontgomery, Anne of Green Gables
#AnneCarson / #Sappho, If Not, Winter
#MarciaDouglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread
#HermannHesse, Glass Bead Game
#ItaloCalvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler
#RodrigoFresán, The Invented/Dreamed/Remembered Part trilogy
#JennyHval, Girls Against God
#jennyhval #rodrigofresan #ItaloCalvino #hermannhesse #marciadouglas #sappho #AnneCarson #lucymaudmontgomery #bookstodon
I've never met anyone that has the same taste in books as me, so let me know if you're a kindred spirit! #bookstodon
Top authors: #AnneCarson, #AzareenVanDerVlietOloomi, #DenisJohnson, #ReneeGladman, #MarciaDouglas, #RodrigoFresán, #DionneBrand, #MarkZDanielewski, #HalldórLaxness, #BenLerner
Top books: M. Douglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread; H. Hesse, Glass Bead Game; I. Calvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler; D. Brand, The Blue Clerk; N. Gaiman, American Gods
#benlerner #halldorlaxness #markzdanielewski #dionnebrand #rodrigofresan #marciadouglas #reneegladman #denisjohnson #azareenvandervlietoloomi #AnneCarson #bookstodon
It is almost 10:30am now and it's been snowing since 05:00 before dawn. Here's a #poem by #AnneCarson to match the weather #poetry >
Checking over my CV and clicked on the link to my article for Culture Matters re #AnneCarson for the first time for ages. So glad to see it has been viewed more than 4000 times.
Source: Anne Carson, “The Gender of Sound”
#sound #gender #essay #annecarson
#sound #gender #essay #AnneCarson
"In the last week of June 2018, I got unexpectedly dumped. During the month that followed, I did the only thing that felt right: I read #AnneCarson’s long #poem “The Glass Essay” every day."
#AnneCarson #poem #heartbreak #love
Doing the #bookstodon 7 books to know me thing, mostly because I can’t for the life of me focus on #Proust longer than 2 seconds:
#LucyMaudMontgomery, Anne of Green Gables
#AnneCarson / #Sappho, If Not, Winter
#MarciaDouglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread
#HermannHesse, Glass Bead Game
#ItaloCalvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler
#RodrigoFresán, The Invented/Dreamed/Remembered Part trilogy
#JennyHval, Girls Against God
#bookstodon #proust #LucyMaudMontgomery #AnneCarson #marciadouglas #HermannHesse #italocalvino #rodrigofresan #JennyHval #sappho
Lessons in how to rock an author photo. #JoanDidion #AnneCarson #ToniMorrison #CarsonMcCullers
#joandidion #AnneCarson #tonimorrison #CarsonMcCullers
Lessons in how to rock an author photo. #joandidion #annecarson #tonimorrison #author #carsonmcculers
#joandidion #AnneCarson #tonimorrison #author #carsonmcculers
Lessons in how to take an author photo. Share your favorites below. #joandidion #annecarson #tonimorrison
#joandidion #AnneCarson #tonimorrison
Lessons in how to take an author photo. Share your favorites below. #joandidion #annecarson #tonimorrison
#joandidion #AnneCarson #tonimorrison