Cristal clear @SeifJoumana (winner of the #AnneKleinAward of @BoellStiftung ) on #Assad
Every cent
Every salute to #Assad means normalization with the devil #SyriaIsNotSafe
RT @annafleischer14: Strong words by @SeifJoumana receiving the #AnneKleinaward by @BoellStiftung "Syria has turned into a big prison under Assad" I salute her courage and steadfastness for human rights. 🙏🏻
#Annekleinaward #Assad #SyriaIsNotSafe
RT @boell_meo: Just started the award ceremony of #Annekleinaward with live music Wissam Mukdad
@SeifJoumana @BoellStiftung @boell_MENA
RT @boell_meo: Just started the award ceremony of #Annekleinaward with live music Wissam Mukdad
@SeifJoumana @BoellStiftung @boell_MENA