an Ode to Antakya
#deprem #Earthquakes #Antakya
🇹🇷 An #earthquake (#deprem) happened in #Antakya, #Hatay, #Türkiye 5mins ago at 8:28PM on 25/04/2023 UTC. The earthquake had a magnitude of M3.1 and it was 7km (4.34 miles) deep in the ground. Stay safe! #sismo #quake
Site Used:
Information from EMSC.
#quake #sismo #Turkiye #Hatay #Antakya #deprem #earthquake
🇹🇷 An #earthquake (#deprem) happened in #Antakya, #Hatay, #Türkiye 2mins ago at 2:03PM on 25/04/2023 UTC. The earthquake had a magnitude of M3.8 and it was 10km (6.21 miles) deep in the ground. Stay safe! #sismo #quake
Site Used:
Information from EMSC.
#quake #sismo #Turkiye #Hatay #Antakya #deprem #earthquake
HDP Adana Milletvekili Tülay Hatimoğulları: Bizler Samandağlı kadınlar olarak bir aradayız. Kadınlar, bu kenti kendi elleriyle yeniden kuracak. #antakya #TurkeyEarthQuake
"Arap Alevilerin geleneğidir, 40’ında mezarın üstüne rihen konur, kokusu kutsaldır, ferahlık verir. Mezarın üstünde bahhur yakılır huzur bulsun diye.' | via twitter/ feministgundem
ma rıhna nehna hon! (gitmiyoruz, buradayız!)" #antakya #TurkeyEarthQuake #TurkeyQuake
#turkeyquake #TurkeyEarthquake #Antakya
🇹🇷 An #earthquake (#deprem) happened in #Antakya, #Hatay, #Türkiye 5mins ago at 4:10PM on 02/03/2023 UTC. The earthquake had a magnitude of M3.4 and it was 8km (4.97 miles) deep in the ground. Stay safe! #sismo #quake
Site Used:
Information from EMSC.
#quake #sismo #Turkiye #Hatay #Antakya #deprem #earthquake
Emotionally exhausting hours in #Antakya Many humble and anonymous heroes dealing with the catastrophe. Brave people.
RT @ESA_EO: Using @CopernicusEU #Sentinel2 images, this animation shows the destruction of the Turkish city of #Antakya after the devastating earthquake that struck Türkiye and Syria on 6 February.
🔗Original images to download here:
Godver! 😡
*Nieuwe forse aardbeving in rampgebied Turkije en Syrië*
"Het rampgebied nabij het Turks-Syrische grensgebied is maandag opnieuw opgeschrikt door een #aardbeving. Volgens het Europees seismologisch centrum (EMSC) had de beving een kracht van 6.3. Getuigen zeggen dat er nieuwe schade is aan gebouwen in #Antakya, de hoofdstad van de Turkse provincie #Hatay."
#turkije #syrie #koerdistan #hatay #Antakya #aardbeving
RT @echo_Europe: UPDATE: The field hospital arrived yesterday is currently being set up in #Antakya/Hatay.
74 staff including 58 medical professionals are on the ground. 🧑⚕️
The hospital will be up and running in the next 2 days offering ICU, gynecology, radiology, orthopedics, pediatrics. 🩺⚕️
It's so much to lose, that even though I have only spent a few days in #Antakya on a few trips... I grieve the loss.
It was a beautiful city of palm trees and hillsides. The history museum there was unlike anything you can find in the US cause history was measured differently in that part of the world... it started to be captured so early.
Did you know that in the Christian Bible, this is the town where Paul first set up a church and people were first referred to as Christians?
"Gli occhi lacrimano di commozione, il cuore si gonfia di orgoglio: i soldati delle forze di difesa israeliane hanno recuperato i corpi di due ebrei morti ad #Antakya.
Gli occhi lacrimano, il cuore si gonfia: l'Operazione #OliveBranch ha tirato fuori dalle macerie un bambino di 9 anni venerdì sera. Una squadra dell'IDF ha salvato 19 persone.
Come ogni cosa dell'IDF, l'operazione ha un nome infantile e il PR della più grande agenzia di PR del paese, l'Unità del portavoce dell'IDF.
#Israele è secondo solo all'Azerbaigian per dimensioni della missione di soccorso inviata in #Turchia.
Forse il titolo di testa del quotidiano più diffuso in #Azerbaigian venerdì era "Una missione morale", come lo era quello di #IsraelHaYom.
Il cuore si gonfia di orgoglio. ⬇2
#Antakya #olivebranch #israele #turchia #azerbaigian #israelhayom
RT @MarianoGiustino: Oggi i soccorritori hanno salvato anche una bambina di 4 anni rimasta sotto le macerie per 132 ore nella città di #Antakya, prov. di #hatay
Il suo nome è #Şengül
@cnnturk #deprem
@RadioRadicale #Turchia
#Antakya #Hatay #Şengül #deprem #Turchia
RT @MarianoGiustino: Un miracolo! Un bambino di due mesi estratto vivo dalle macerie nel sesto giorno di ricerca dopo 128 ore dalla scossa di terremoto ad #Antakya, prov. di #Hatay. È illeso. È un simbolo della speranza
@RadioRadicale #Turchia
RT @MarkusRosch
Viel graehen in diesen Tagen. Aber so schlimme Bilder wie in #antakya noch nie. #ErdbebenInDerTuerkei @tagesschau #tuerkin
#Antakya #erdbebenindertuerkei #tuerkin
RT @sokakkedisitv
Sokak sokak HATAY
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#Deprem #Hatay #Antakya
Deprem sonrası Hatay'ın durumu⬇️
#TahaDuymaz #OperatorDestegi #Antakya People are calling out for help for Taha Duymaz who requires urgent medical assistance. RT and spread awareness of his situation! #SaveTahaDuymaz OperatorDestegi
#savetahaduymaz #Antakya #operatordestegi #tahaduymaz